I Object to this wedding- A Minor Wolf Goddess

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Tommy sent Messages out to all known original Pheonix drop Alliance members and Informed them of Aphmau and everyone's elses returns. Mom mentioned wanting to go out and search for Allies and figure out more about her newfound powers. Laurence and garroth actually just wanted to plan their wedding in more detail and tommy would be damned if they didn't get the Wedding they Deserved.

Cadenza came by fast; she was learning under hayden how to be a lord. It was only hours later that Mom, Laurence, Kenmur, Emmalyn and Cadenza were off to New meteli. As much as he wished to go adventuring with them, He could not go a reason, He was the lord. He sighed, he wanted to go with his Mother. Mum walked over to his home and into his office. She smiled at him, "Once your mother gets back, I'm going to make sure she doesn't leave the bed for a few days. "he couldn't stop the laughter leaving him at that as mum smirks, before slipping into a soft smile. "Go". He looks up confused. "I know how to be lord ya'know.....I always felt guilty for putting that upon you, so go. Go adventuring when your mom comes back. I can handle being lord." Tommy got up and hugged her smiling brightly at this, it's been so long sense got to go on a true adventure without another goal dealing with Alliances and such.

So, he waited, Still helping around the village and informed his guards and villagers of what was happening. After all being 24 and have taken lordship at 16, You could really use a break.

Elsewhere an Influxes of shades were coming through the small portal. She learned that Vicent was a shadow knight. Upon the return to meteli they were talking of shadow's in which Vincent Admitted to being one. "But what I can tell is you, you feel human, But also like one." Laurence went Silent. "I traveled to nether once, upon doing so we met a young teen by the name of Tommy, Lord Tommy now. He spoke of half-shadow knight, People who have only parts of a shadow or their parent via magical means was a shadow knight. Tommy is one of the second mentioned cases. His birth mother being said shadow knight." Vincent went still at that, before relaxing. "I knew Tommy felt like one, I just never knew how or why. I thought he was like Zane and was confused when he wasn't, I didn't bring it up at the moment but this explains things."

At some point, Zoey had taken over the Lordship. He didn't know what do until shadow figures came attacking the wall. At some point they fell back. It was hard to see mom rush to the walls in panic. He reasured her about things going on. They told her it would be best for her to stay a few days. He slept with Ghostbur, Malachi and Levin that night. Ghostbur would be going with him in his next adventure.

The next morning, he woke up and saw his parents, Mom was having trouble walking. If he was young, he may have made fun or Referenced they're previous night actions. He simply raised an Eyebrow, He got a glare from mom in return. As much as mum wanted mom to stay back, she knew mom had to leave. Ghostbur and Tommy left with her.

It didn't help the sad sight of the dead mama husky. It was nice to see mom interact with the puppy and they had their way back to pheonix drop. It was puppy. But he was on guard either way, A shadow knight was nearby.

It was cute to watch Mom with the puppy. They asked molly and dale to watch the puppy, Ghostbur wanted to stay. He knew what the two were going to do. Even if ghostbur might have been Wilbur at one point, He was different. He had different likes and dislike to that of wilbur.

But he had few things he hated, Graves and Graveyards were some of them. He hated them because they reminded him of the soldier's Wilbur had failed to save, the people they failed to save. It reminded him of the red festival, Of the 4th. In short Ghostbur didn't like death. And tommy couldn't blame him.

As they buried the dog mom, He listened to his Mother speak. And then they saw Sasha. It wasn't something Tommy liked. The two of them moved to the prison where the others were.

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