2 - Big Brother

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The seconds tick, the minutes move, the clock chimes.

I feel like fucking killing someone.

I don't know why I came home. It seemed like the only option at the time. Perhaps I just wanted somewhere to wallow in peace? I replay the morning's events in mind over and over again. My sister with that- with that prick.

Don't get me wrong, I always thought Malfoy was alright up until now. We were like comrades... brothers. His choice to shag around, in my opinion, was his choice.

But it is different now he has started sniffing around my little sister. Does he not realise just how vulnerable she is? How much she is likely to cling to the first person who shows her any kind of affection to replace what we once had in our parents?

My anger is mostly directed at him because I thought he was a mate. I never once judged him for his lifestyle, always sticking up for him when Daphne wrinkled her nose at his latest 'conquest' doing the walk of shame across the common room after leaving his bedroom, desperately trying to ignore the wolf whistles and jeers from the lads (all of whom would be listening in rapt silence as Malfoy brags about what positions he'd got her into over breakfast).

How fucking dare he do that to my sister. And I don't believe them in the slightest that 'nothing is going on'. Because I see the way she looks at him. He brings the smile back into her eyes which she'd lost when we lost our parents.

But that's not good, because he is only going to break her again when he tires of her and moves onto his next target. Rumour already has it that he'd fucked Pansy and some mystery girl since hanging around my little sister.

Who does that?

Personally, I've always considered myself a one woman man. I've been committed to Daphne from the first moment I saw her and I've never looked at another girl. She's all I need, she is perfect.

But that's all changed, and thanks to Draco fucking Malfoy, I've lost a friend, a sister and a girlfriend all in one single fucking morning.

In hindsight, perhaps I had overreacted a little when I dragged Chastity out of Malfoy's room, shaming her in front of the entire Slytherin common room. Daphne had certainly thought so.

So much so, in fact, that she ended our relationship on the spot, claiming that she could no longer cope with my 'anger issues'.

I cried like the pathetic desperate pussy I am. All snot and tears. I begged, sobbed, got down on my knees and refused to let her go.

But in the end, I had to.

And here I was, sat all alone in my empty childhood home. I recall a time, at the age of fifteen, when my family pissed me off so much that I wished they'd all just disappear and leave me in peace.

I got my wish.

Now I'd do anything to hear the rusty notes of my father playing the piano or my mother's tuneless whistle in the kitchen. I'd even take listening to Chastity giggling on the phone to her tiresome girlfriends, hearing them discuss their latest crushes.

When did I last hear my sister laugh? I can't remember.

I don't realise that I'm crying until the salty taste of tears are wet on my lips.

And now the doorbell is chiming and I am furiously wiping my face. My heart is trapped in my throat and the adrenaline is pumping, because if this isn't Daphne coming to tell me she'd made a big mistake and that she loves me after all, then I know I'm just going to go into the basement and kill myself.

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