oO Chapter 40 Oo

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"So...how do we plan to take down actual gods?" I asked, sitting crosslegged on the ground. Finally, the time for the meeting had rolled around, and it was back to serious business. Of course, that didn't mean I couldn't cuddle Paimon like she was a plushie. I'd expected her to raise hell about it, but she seemed pretty chill. I guess she liked the affection. "Like, a whole city of them?"

"I wouldn't call them gods." Aether scoffed. "More like semi divine beings who are doing a really crappy job at playing as gods."

"Didn't answer my question, but go off, I guess." I shrugged.

Aether deadpanned, sending me a look. "They're weak already." He explained. "It won't exactly be hard to seize power from them. The difficult part is getting up there. No wind current will reach that far high up. And anyway, we're not at that stage yet."

"What do we need to do first?" Jean asked, her tone determined. She'd seemed to come to terms with what Aether had told all of us, and honestly, the betrayed look in her eyes whenever she looked towards Celestia was a little scary.

"We already have two archons on our side." Aether said. "We need all seven."

"Wait, we have archons on our side already?" Rosaria narrowed her eyes at Aether. "Explain."

"It's not my place to tell you." Aether shrugged. "If they feel like revealing themselves, they will."

"You can't just say that there are gods in our presence and expect us to move on." Kaeya added.

Aether sighed, like he regretted saying anything. "They've always been there, you just never noticed. Can we continue?"


"Paimon doesn't think it's very important right now!"

"More urgent things to discuss at the moment." I added.

"Thank you, (y/n), Paimon." Aether smiled. "Anyway, the next archon to talk to is the Raiden Shogun. We need her."

"Hold up, you mean Inazuma?" I asked. "We're going to Inazuma?"

"Not all of you, but yes." Aether confirmed. "She'll be one of the most stubborn gods to convince, so I suggest taking a sweet talker with you."

"Well, you're up, Kaeya." I smiled, half teasing.

"How delightful." He replied. I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not.

"Hey, why not me?" Childe asked, crossing his arms like he was offended. 

"...You're literally a harbinger." I deadpanned. "Why on earth would an archon go along with anything you have to say? And anyway, if my story spoilers are right, y'all are meant to be the antagonists this time around. Especially Scaramouche."

"When are they not the antagonists?" Diluc muttered, sending both harbingers a dirty look. Scaramouche glared right back, while Childe just stuck his tongue out at him.

"And yet, I somehow still like them." I said, questioning why I liked the harbingers in the first place.

"Ah, I knew you had a soft spot for me!" Childe exclaimed, ruffling my hair.

"Only because you were my first five star!" I responded, indignantly fixing my hair. "And anyway, if you wanna try help, why not try to convince the Tsaritsa?"

"Why don't you come with me?" Childe winked.

"Because as fun as Snezhnaya seems, I really really don't wanna meet the Tsaritsa." I sighed. "Or the other harbingers, for that matter. If all of them are as cute as you two, I don't think I'd be able to fight them."

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