oO Chapter 5 Oo

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"(n/n), i'm bored." Venti whined, leaning on my arm.

"Uh huh, and i'm tired." I deadpanned, propping my head up on my hand. You see, when I'd taken the boys out for a ride, I hadn't anticipated just how long we'd be gone for. We came back at around 3 AM, and that was only because Xiao forced me to, after my fifth coffee. And, uh, the fact that Tartaglia wanted to drive...which even I don't trust him with.

"You shouldn't stay out so late next time." Xiao said, crossing his arms.

"Y'know, if you wanted to act like my husband, there are a couple of steps you missed." I teased, yawning. 

"...I take it back. Do what you want. I don't care."

"Ouch." I said. "That hurts, honey."

"Xiao, be nice." Zhongli said, sipping his tea.

In that moment, I swear, I've never seen someone look so done with me ever before in my life. Xiao didn't say anything and just left the kitchen counter to who knows where. Probably to the roof. He seems to have taken a shine to sitting up there, looking out over the city.

"We should do something today!" Sasha said. "There's still a lot that they haven't seen in London."

"You mean the touristy places?" I asked, getting up to make myself coffee. Look, I know I had a lot of it last night, but if we're going sightseeing, especially in summer, i'm gonna need it.

"Well, it doesn't have to be the touristy places, but we should still take them out." Sasha said. "Like, to a museum or something at the very least."

"Mm, I wouldn't mind a trip to the natural history museum." I hummed. I'd been going there ever since I was young, so I kinda had an attachment to the place. "We could make a day out of it. I mean, if they want to. It's kinda been a stressful two days for them." I smiled.

"Ohh, right..." Sasha said, realisation dawning on her face. "Sometimes I forget that it's only been two days since they got here. It feels like a lot longer."

"I know, right?" I chuckled. "Anyway, do you guys feel up to a museum trip?"

"That sounds interesting." Jean smiled. "It'll be an opportunity to learn more about this world."

"Cool." I smiled. "I'm gonna go tell Xiao. Be right back!"


"Oh, Xiao~" I said softly, in a sing-song voice, climbing out of the attic window and stepping onto the roof tiles. The roof was slanted, and kinda steep, so it was hard to keep my balance, but I suppose that wouldn't have been a problem for the adeptus. 

"What is it?" Xiao said, glancing back at me over his shoulder. He seemed a little annoyed, but I'm just gonna ignore that.

"We're gonna go out today." I hummed, sitting down next to him, momentarily holding on to his arm to keep my balance. "To a museum."

"...Okay." He said, not really paying attention. He looked spaced out, like his mind was somewhere far away.

I looked at him worriedly. "Xiao?" I asked, waving a hand in front of his face. 

He looked at me, and sighed. "Is there anything else?"

"Wow, so eager to get rid of me." I chuckled. "Whatcha thinking about?"

"...We should be working on a way to get back to our world." He said. "We have responsibilities in Tevyat. We shouldn't be getting comfortable here."

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