Chapter 2

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(I'ma bit motivated to write another chapter so yuhhh here we go!!😫💅🏽)

You woke up to an annoying beeping noise. You opened your eyes slightly, looking and searching where the mysterious noise is coming from. 'Oh... it's just an alarm...' You turned off the alarm and then wondered, "why would an alarm be going off right now..?" Then you remembered. You're first day of school at the Devildom.

You only had a short amount of time, so you did your morning routine and put on your uniform and ran outside to walk with the others to school. Suddenly you bump into one of the guys that you were introduced to. You forgot his name...but he was tall, had orange hair, and purple eyes. And he was...holding quite a lot of food in his hands..

"Oh, its you. The human that Diavolo brought. Good morning, Y/N." He said. 'He remebers my name...yet I dont remember his?!? Come on, Y/N, try to think..!!' you tried hard to remember his name but you simply couldn't get even a small hint. "Good morning!" Was all you could say. You guys were walking in silence and all you could hear was the sound of him chomping down on those snacks.

Suddenly your stomach made a loud rumbling noise. Your cheeks had a slight red tint from embarassment from him hearing that. "Hmm, you seem hungry. Want some chips..?" He held a bag of chips infront of you, and of course, you could'nt resist. Before you took a bite on the chip, you had second thoughts about this. 'Hes a total stranger...I shouldn't take food from this dude! Plus this is the Devildom, a whole different realm, so what if it isn't edible...? WHAT IF THERE'S FOOD POISONING...?!?' You just put the chip back in the bag and gave it to him.

"Actually, I'm not that hungry right now, so you can have the chips!" You felt a bit guilty saying that, but you had to do it, unless you wanted food poisoning...

"No. You keep the chips. You seem hungry and I don't want you to have an empty please, take them!" He grabbed your hand, placing the chip bag into your palms.

"But...are you sure this would for me?" You asked. "Ahh, you're right. It's okay, after school I'll find something for you to eat, so you don't feel hungry." He said as you both walked closer to the school doors.

The doors opened and you saw all the brothers there. Lucifer noticed you've came and he walked twoards you with a paper in his hands. "Good morning,
Y/N. This paper here has all of your assigned classrooms and where it will be. Classes will be starting in 10 minutes, so I recommend you start walking to your class right now, just to be on time." He said, finally handing you the letter. "Oh, thank you, Lucifer! I'll be on my way twoards class in a bit" You said, closing your eyes and smiling. "I see Beelzebub walked you to school...How was your walk with him? Did he try to do anything or try to eat you..?" He asked. 'So Beelzebub was his name!! But..why would he try to eat me...oh right. He's a demon...' He seemed nice, and you were positive he wouldn't possibly try to eat you...or would he? "No, he actually offered me some of his snacks but um.. I wasn't quite sure if it was I kinda feel a bit guilty for refusing." You let out a nervous chuckle and put your hand behind your head. "Speaking of food, I know some foods that are edible for humans and I can give you some during lunch ti-" The bell to get to class cut off Lucifer's sentence. "Well, it's time to get to class. See you soon, Y/N." He waved at you as you both walked in the opposite direction.

~timeskip to lunch~

It was finally lunch, and you were exhausted from all this work at this new school your going to. It sure had to do with a lot of writing, which made your hand hurt. You were so glad that there was only one more class after this.

"Y/N!!" You heard a high-pitched voice call for you from behind. You turned around to see Asmodeus, the guy with pink hair and pink eyes. "Oh, Hey! You're... Asmodeus, am I right..?" You asked nervously, not knowing wether you said his name correct or not. "Yes, you are correct, darling!~" He said as he winked with a smile. "Is it okay if I call you Asmo, for short?" "Yeah, of course!!" You felt happy that you're getting to actually talk to people here. To be honest, you thought that you'd be too shy to talk to anyone here.

Suddenly another voice calls for you. You turn around to see Lucifer, with a little box in his hands. "Hey, Lucifer! Whatcha got there?" You asked, curiously. "This is actually a food from the Devildom that's edible for humans, so I thought you might be hungry and I decided to bring it for you." You gasped in joy, finally being able to eat something. "THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!" You said loudly, catching some other's atention, and stuffing your mouth with food.

After school was finished, you saw Asmo hanging out with a man with silver hair, similar to Mammons. "Hey!! Asmo!" Asmo turned around to see you walking up to him, and so did the unknown man next to him. "Oh, Y/N! This is another human that was brought for the student exchange program, Solomon!~" Solomon reached out his hand for you to shake. "Nice to meet you, Y/N!" You felt a bit awkward, but you deided to shake his hand. "Likewise!" You responded.

As you three were walking back, you noticed someone who looked quite familiar. It was Mammon. "Hey Mammon!" You said as you walked closer near him. "O-Oi human, don't get so close to me!!" 'Bro I wasn't even that close to him...' You thought. Suddenly Solomon and Asmo caught up to you and Mammon, and you three walked together, having all sorts of conversations on the way back. That was until Solomon had to leave to go somewhere, leaving you with Mammon and Asmo.

It was a silent and awkward walk until you three finally made it home. Mammon went to his room, but as you were on your way to your room, you noticed that Asmo was following you. "U-Uhm...Asmo, aren't you going to your room..?" You asked, awkwardly stuttering. "Well, I just wanted some attention, and to spend some time with you, dear!~" He said. This was your second day, and it seems that Asmo, out of all his brothers, has gotten comfortable the most.

anyways, I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩)

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