{*~my ocs~*}

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Names: Rouge and Magic howler

Birthday: September 9th

Zodiac sign: Virgo

Rouge: she is 1 minute older than magic

Magic: she is 1 minute younger than Rouge

Species: werewolfs

Family: Jennifer (mother, unknown), Adam (father), Kathy (Kate or Katie, little sister), Jacob (baby brother), Angel (step mother).

Note: Rouge is strongest as magic is the fastest werewolfs in their family, Mrs.Howler disappeared as soon she got home from the hospital with jacob, Also the Howler family are all werewolfs along with the step mother.

Gender for the twins: Female

Both weakness: can get hurt very easily and the fact they can't take a punch from someone, so they are sorta easily beaten if they are not using their ability (strength and speed) but they have to take a rest after they use it (drinking water, resting, or eating)

Rouge info!:

Sexuality: straight

Favorite color: Emeraled green and Red

Personality: confident, nice, kind, sweet, helpful, generous, gentle sometimes, overprotective, sometimes aggressive, a bit wild, a bit mean, sometimes rude to bullies, loyal to friends and family.

Likes: baking, cooking, breaking windows(!), reading, being wild, freedom!

Dislikes: being treated like a dog, being in caged, pushed around. Ein

Crush: Blaze

Age: same age as blaze (depends on the role play too) (Ms: around 20) {PDH: Freshman}


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Wearing black ripped jeans with dark red shoes

Magic's info!

Age: same with Rouge, (MS: in mid 19's or 20's) {PDH: freshman}

Sexuality: bisexual

Favorite color: purple!

Personality: Shy, nice, kind, helpful, generous, sweet, sometimes sassy, very worrying, quiet, also loyal.

Likes: helping others, taking care of others, climbing trees, hiding, helps the situation.

Dislikes: bullies, Ein, picked on, seeing others sad/upset, being treated like a dog.

Crush: Daniel/Dottie


Wearing white jeans, along with blue-ish and purple-ish shoes

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Wearing white jeans, along with blue-ish and purple-ish shoes

(Again don't steal my art please!)


Rouge and magic has been keep switching schools because of their issues with the kids, they aren't in trouble but the kids keeps treating them like dogs so Adam decided to go back to Phoenix drop high, so they moved again, magic was nervous as wreck while rouge didn't seem to have a problem with that as they went to school and both met Aphmau, they helped her from the werewolfs and they decided to be friends with her.

(Kinda simple backstory)

*the oc formate is different than how I did with my ocs- I also copy paste my ocs form thing from my ocs book, i just had to upload the pictures, while my book was actually being stupid* - note from your author!

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