the ship

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[Zoom in on the crescent moon, which is actually a specifically shaped spaceport, massive and bustling with many different aliens and spacecraft. Jim walks out and sees different aliens all speaking various languages until Delbert comes in behind him wearing a giant metal suit.]

DELBERT: Jim! Oh, Jim! Wait for me! [Clanking] Well, Jim, this should be a wonderful opportunity for the two of us to get to know one another. You know what they say, familiarity breeds, um...well, contempt, but in our case--

JIM: Look, let's just find the ship. OK?

ANDROID: Second berth on your right!

HAIRY ALIEN: You can't miss it.

JIM: Hey, thanks.

DELBERT: It's the suit, isn't it? l should never have listened to that pushy two-headed saleswoman. This one said it fit, that one said it was my color. l didn't know what to do. l get so flustered. [Bumps into Jim] Ooh! Oh, Jim! This is our ship! The R.L.S. Legacy!

JIM: Whoa!

[They board the ship, and find the crew loading it with supplies.]

MR. ARROW: Stow those casks forward! Heave together now!

JIM: How cool is this? [Jim runs into another alien.]

MR. SNUFF: [Squishing noise.]

JIM: Sorry about that. l didn't mean--

MR. SNUFF: [Angry farting noises.]

DELBERT: Allow me to handle this. [Pfft pffft pffft.] [Eek eek eek eek.] [Poit.]

MR. SNUFF: [Chuckling.] [Eek pfft.]

DELBERT: I'm fluent in Flatula, Jim. Took two years of it in high school. [Pffft]

JIM: Flatula? Cool.

DELBERT: [Talking to Mr. Arrow] Good morning, Captain. Everything shipshape?

MR. ARROW: Shipshape it is, sir, but I'm not the captain. The captain's aloft.

[We see Captain Amelia jumping amongst the mast and sails before landing gracefully on the deck.]

AMELIA: Mr. Arrow, l've checked this miserable ship from stem to stern, and, as usual, it' on. Can you get nothing wrong?

MR. ARROW: You flatter me, Captain.

AMELIA: [noticing Delbert] Ah, Dr. Doppler, I presume?

DELBERT: Uh, um, yes. l--

AMELIA: Hello! [She knocks on Delbert's helmet] Can you hear me?

DELBERT: Yes, I can! Stop that banging!

AMELIA: If I may, Doctor, this works so much better when it's right-way up, and plugged in. [She plugs Delbert's suit in]


AMELIA: Lovely. There you go.

DELBERT: If you don't mind, l can manage my own plugging! [He unplugs the suit]

AMELIA: I'm Captain Amelia, late of a few run-ins with the Protean armada. Nasty business, but I won't bore you with my scars. You've met my first officer, Mr. Arrow. Sterling, tough, dependable, honest, brave, and true.

MR. ARROW: Please, Captain.

AMELIA: Oh, shut up, Arrow. You know l don't mean a word of it.

DELBERT: Ahem, excuse me. I hate to interrupt this lovely banter, but may I introduce to you, Jim Hawkins? Jim, you see, is the boy who found the treasure--

[Scene Change to the ship engine room]

AMELIA: engineer engimeer ENGINEER GRIMM

Grimm:(wakes up)Yes Capitan

AMELIA:and the engine?

Grimm:fueled up and ready sail

AMELIA:good now if you done down here meet me in my cabin our guests have arrived

Grimm:i will(put his hat on his head)

AMELIA:if i see you asleep on duty again i shoot you myself am i clear

Grimm:(take off his hat)I'm going now

(In the captain cabin)

GRIMM:what the hell am i looking at

DELBERT:ah this is

Grimm:a bloody diving suit


GRIMM:did you get that suit from a man name jakke

DELBERT:i did why

GRIMM:you got conned doc anyway cap why are we here

AMELIA:right doctor to mute and blabber about a treasure map in front of this (looks at grimm)particular crew demonstrates a level of

GRIMM: stupidity idiocy imbecile being a dumb-

AMELIA:yes yes and i mean that in a very caring way

GRIMM:i don't

DELBERT:imbecile you say foolishness i got

AMELIA:may i see the map

JIM:what about him(points at grimm)

AMELIA:he the only one me and Mr arrow trust out of the crew and he been in the navy

JIM:here(throws the map to the captain)

AMELIA: fascinating mr Hawkins in the future you will address me as captain or ma'am is that clear

JIM:(look away clearly not liking this already)

AMELIA:mr Hawkins

JIM:yes ma'am

AMELIA:that'll will do(locks the map in a cabinet and breaks the key in 3 pieces giving one to grimm)keep it safe will you

GRIMM:aye aye Capitan

AMELIA:gentlemen this must be kept under lock and key when not in use and doctor again with greatest possible respect

GRIMM:shut the fuck up


GRIMM:( cursing in Spanish)

AMELIA:but yes what he said

DELBERT:captain i assure you

AMELIA:you make thia as monosyllabic as possible i don't much care for this crew you hired there how did i describe them i said something rather good this morning for coffee

Mr arrow:a ludicrous parcel of driveling galoots ma'am(grimm look at the captain with a wtf look)

AMELIA:you also said some really good to but i can't remember do you mr arrow

Mr arrow:no ma'am i don't

GRIMM:these no good ratsass crooked godless bilge rats captain

AMELIA:there you go poetry

DELBERT:now see here

AMELIA:I'd love to chat tea cake the whole shebang but i have a ship to launch and you've got your outfit to buffer mr arrow engineer Grimm please escort these two near fights down to the galley straight away young Hawkins will be working for our cook mr silver

JIM:wait what the cook!

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