the map

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[Cut to Jim sitting on the roof as a storm is approaching. He looks in the Inn through a window to see his mom and Delbert talking.]

DELBERT: I really don't know how you manage it. Sarah. Trying to run a business while raising a felon like--felon...fellow...fellow like Jim.

SARAH: Managing it? I'm at the end of my rope. Ever since his father left...well, Jim's just never recovered. And you know how smart he is. He built his first solar surfer when he was eight! And yet, he's failing at school, he is constantly in trouble, and when I talk to him, he's like a stranger to me. I don't know, Delbert. I've tried everything--

[Suddenly, there's the sound of engines sputtering as a ship crash lands near the Inn. Jim goes to investigate.]

JIM: Hey, Mister? Mister, you're OK in there, right?

BILLY BONES: [Growling]

JIM: Aah!

BILLY BONES: [Coughing] He's a-comin'. Can you hear him? Those gears and gyros clickin' and whirrin' walking with the devil himself!

JIM: Uh, hit your head there pretty hard, didn't ya?

BILLY BONES: He's after me chest...that fiendish cyborg that demon and his band of cutthroats. [Straining] But they'll have to pry it from old Billy Bones' cold, dead fingers afore I--argh! [Coughing]

JIM: Oh, my--Uh, come on, give me your arm. That's it.

BILLY BONES: Good lad.

JIM: Mom's gonna love this.

[Sarah and Delbert are still talking in the Inn as it starts to rain outside. Sarah clicks the settings on the window so it looks like a garden is outside.]

SARAH: Thanks for listening, Delbert. [Sighs] It helps.

DELBERT: It's going to be OK. You'll see.

SARAH: l keep dreaming one day I'll open that door, and there he'll be just the way he was. A smiling, happy little boy, holding a new pet, and begging me to let him keep it.

[Delbet opens the door to Jim with Billy Bones.]

SARAH: [Gasps] James Pleiades Hawkins!

JIM: Mom, he's hurt...bad!

BILLY BONES: Me chest, lad. [Gasping] [Groans as he opens the chest] they'll be comin' soon. Can't let them find this.

JIM: Who's coming?

BILLY BONES: [Whispering] The cyborg! The devil! Beware the cyborg! And the devil [Gasps]

[Just before he passes, Billy Bones gives Jim something wrapped in cloth]

SARAH: Ohh...[Sarah gasps]

[Suddenly a ship full of pirates lands outside. Jim “opens” the window a bit to the the pirates approaching, then pulls his mother upstairs]

JIM: Quick! We gotta go!


[The pirates start firing into the Inn.]

DELBERT: Aah! I believe I'm with Jim on this one!

[Pirates shouting as the storm the Inn.]

DELBERT: Delilah! Hallelujah! [Delilah yelping excitedly] Stay! Don't move!

PIRATE: Where is it?!

SILVER: Find it!


DELBERT: Don't worry, Sarah. I'm an expert in the laws of physical science. On the count of three. One--

JIM: Three!

[All yelling as the fall into the carriage that Delilah is pulling.]

DELBERT: Go, Delilah! Go! Go! That's it! That's it! Go! Hyah! Hyah!

[As the ride away to safety, Jim unwraps the cloth Billy Bones gave him, revealing an odd bronze sphere with strange markings.]

[Jump to Jim, Sarah, and Delbert all in Delbert's home.]

DELBERT: I just spoke with the constabulary. Those blaggard pirates have fled without a trace. [Clock chimes] I'm sorry, Sarah. I'm afraid the old Benbow lnn has burned to the ground. Ahem, well, certainly a lot of trouble over that odd little sphere. Those markings baffle me. Unlike anything I've ever encountered--

[The sphere starts to beep and whir as Jim messes with it.]

DELBERT: Even with my vast experience and superior intellect, it would take me years to unlock its--hey!

[Jim manages to unlock the sphere, encasing the room in green light as it shows a map of a multitude of galaxies.]

DELBERT: [Gasps] Why, it's a map! Wait. Wait, wait, wait! This is us, the planet Montressor. [Gasps] That's the Magellanic Cloud! Whoo! The Coral Galaxy! Oh! That's the Cygnus Cross and that's the Kerian Abyss. Wait. What's this? What's this? Why, it--it's...

JIM: Treasure Planet.


JIM: That's Treasure Planet!

DELBERT: Flint's trove? The loot of a thousand worlds? You know what this means?

JIM: It means that all that treasure is only a boat ride away.

DELBERT: Whoever brings it back would hold an eternal place atop the pantheon of explorers! (epic) He'd be able to experience--[Click as the sphere closes and the map disappears] Whoo! What just happened?

JIM: Mom, this is it. This is the answer to all our problems.

SARAH: Jim, there is absolutely no way--

JIM: Don't you remember, all those stories?

SARAH: That's all they were--stories!

JIM: With that treasure, we could rebuild the Benbow a hundred times over!

SARAH: Well, this is--it's just--oh, my. Delbert, would you please explain how ridiculous this is?

DELBERT: It's totally preposterous, traversing the entire galaxy alone.

SARAH: Now at last we hear some sense!

DELBERT: That's why I'm going with you!

SARAH: Delbert!

DELBERT: l'll use my savings to finance the expedition. l'll commission a ship, hire a captain and a crew.

SARAH: You're not serious.

DELBERT: All my life l've been waiting for an opportunity like this and here it is screaming, "Go, Delbert! Go, Delbert! Go-"

SARAH: OK. OK! You're both grounded! [Sighs]

JIM: Mom. look. l know that I keep messing everything up...and I know...that I let you down. But this is my chance to make it up to you. I'm gonna set things right.

DELBERT: Sarah? If I may? You said yourself, you've tried everything. There are much worse remedies than a few character-building months in space.

SARAH: Are you saying this because it's the right thing or because you really want to go?

DELBERT: l really, really, really, really want to go...and it's the right thing.

SARAH: [Sighs] Jim, l don't want to lose you.

JIM: won't. l'll make you proud.

DELBERT: Well. uh. ahem, there we are then. We'll begin preparations at once. Jim, my boy, soon we'll be off to the spaceport.

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