As soon as you closed your eyes, you felt his head lean on yours. You smiled at yourself. "Buenas Noches."

"Good night." He replied.

Eventually, you woke up. You thought you were going to see Kakyoin in front of you.  Or Jotaro right beside you. But no.

You found yourself surrounded by flowers.

"Huh? Where am I?" You ask yourself. "Mr. Joestar? Avdol? Polnareff?" No answer.

You grew more anxious. "Kakyoin?"

And ever more. "Jotaro?" You called out.

You began to run around the field. All you see was flowers. You could see the petals fall and fly in the air. You could see the clouds moving to one direction. And the heat can be sensed on your skin from the sun. It all felt real.

"Anyone?" You screamed.

You called your friends' names repeatedly. No response was heard. You began to freak out.

"Kakyoin? Avdol? Polnareff? Mr. Joestar?" You called out. "JOJO?!"

Your voice was giving up. You let yourself fall on your knees. You began go cry all of the sudden.

"This makes no sense.  What is happening?" You asked yourself. "Could this be...  A dream? Or... An enemy stand?"

"Yes, it is."

A voice was heard. You turn to face where it came from. You see a male body walk towards you. You hesitated, not knowing whether to run away, freeze or run towards them. Of course, you decided to freeze at this moment.

The male was now in front of you. He was a tall lad with a tan skin, brown hair and beautiful emerald eyes. He wore a beautiful scarf and tall boots that match with his red outfit.

"Good thing I got you here." He said. You quickly did your fighting stance. He quickly took notice. "No no no, don't worry. I am not going to do anything to you." He said.

You knew he was an enemy, but your body obeyed. His eyes were as if controlling you, like a puppet. It was scary yet aesthetic.

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Simon Garfranko. I am from Portugal. I am honored to meet you, my queen." He said, bowing down like a servant.

"Do not call me your queen." You responded.

"Oh, but why not? You were already chosen to be the queen of all stands. Why deny it? Don't you desire for greatness?" He asked.

"You are nothing but a snake. I will not eat this apple of life you want for me to have." you responded, referencing the biblical story of Adam and Eve.

"Ooh, so poetic." He complimented you.

"Where am I?" You asked him.

"Oh right. I heard you crying just earlier. I must say,  you have quite an amusing crying face. Hehehe." He chuckled. You blushed embarrassed.

"You are in your Quiet place. The place where you can stop and take a break from reality." he explained.

"What's the catch?"

"No no, there is no catch. This is all about you." He said.

"Riiight...Where are my friends?" You asked him.

"They are in there own quiet place. They are quite happy in them. Some are sleeping, some are eating, and some are... Well, crying." He said. Your back shivered at the last part.

"Get me out of here!" You demanded.

"Sorry,  but I cannot do that. You know Dio, your future husband."

"No, I don't know him." You growled angrily.

"Oh right, you never seen his face. My bad. But you know what kind of person he is. Whatever he wants, he gets it." He said. Soon, the flowers start to grow longer and taller. The stems began to act like rope, wrapping around you, making you trap.

"Let me go!" You demanded once more.

"Not yet. I still have to make a visit with your friends. Ta da!" Tulio said, vanishing in mid air.

You released your Stand, who managed to use one of your earrings and transform it into a sword. Tombstone then used it to cut the thick stems.

"oof- uh, thanks TombStone"

"Wari Wari" she responded.

"Gosh, i think one of these flowers had thorns...Nevermind that. We need to get out of here... But how?" You began to think, tapping your chin in a rhythm. Because of the rhythm, you might have gotten distracted and you began to hum.

Soon,  the humming became lyrics. And then you began to sing. You sang your favorite song. (you choose).

Just when you stopped, you looked down and saw how the flowers were dying.

"huh? What's going on?" You asked yourself. "Wait... This is my quiet place... Maybe if I am loud, I can get out of here!" you thought.

"Tombstone, use my shoe and make them into a ukulele!" You shouted, throwing your shoe to your Stand. Tombstone catches it, transforming it to a small guitar.

She hands it over to you.  "Ahem!" You began. You move your fingers, making a beautiful melody out of the strings. You began to sing a cute song. Something soft, yet passionate. The thing is... You would also intentional play the wrong string to make it strike the flowers down.

At some point, the flowers tried to fight back, by grasping your ankle tightly. You are the end of the song anyway. So you decide to make your big move.

"HAMON OVERDRIVE!!!" You yelled, slamming your fist to the ground, causing hamon to run through the stem and petals of the flowers. They all collapsed down. Silence now filled the room.

"...Did I make it?" You asked yourself. All of the sudden, a door is opened in mid air. It felt like a dream... How could a door open itself, just floating above the ground? With no wall...

"Uhm... He-hello?" You hesitated.

Suddenly, I wake up and hear yelling!

(A/N: Sorry for not updating chapters - I am just getting more busy now that I am working on my animated series and college planning. I hope you understand how important this is to me. I would love to continue this book more. So please be patient. Thank you so much for your support and for reading this. I can't wait for more. May God Bless You <3)

Jotaro x Reader: The Last Hamon UserWhere stories live. Discover now