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Credit to owner u/mighty_alicorn from Reddit

Just when you learned the real Kakyoin is at the hotel, Anne exclaims, "Jojo just jumped out of the cable cars's window!"

You turned to see. Jotaro threw himself out to land on a building. Lots of sharp glass pieces were falling to the ground. As you were hoping he would make it, he slipped his hand and was beginning to fall from that height. 

"JOJO!" You screamed. 

Jotaro reveals Star Platinum, who grabs the edge of the building to get on it. Jotaro grips the edge tightly to raise him upwards. You noticed how he is looking at his hand. He then climbs his rest of his body to the top. He stands up as he watches the same cable car slowly go away. 

"What is he doing?" You questioned. 

"Miss Y/N! Look!" Anne exclaimed.

Jotaro is seen, holding a lighter near is hand. "Is he burning himself?!" Anne asked.

"It seems like it! Something is off...He needs help!" You stated.

"We'll be there soon! Stay safe!" Mr. Joestar said.

"Right!" You replied. Then the phone hangs. "Anne, stay here. I am getting in the next cable car." 

"But, what are you planning to do? How are you going to help Jojo?" Anne asked, worried for you.

"No te precupes. (Don't worry.) I'll do just fine. Be a good girl." You said. You rushed to the next cable car. You stood in front of a kid with a popsicle, a sleeping man who is probably the kid's dad, a puppy, whose leash was held by the sleeping man,  and a strange woman. 

"Hm? Now this is interesting." The woman said. You turned to her, questioning what she meant by that.

"I didn't expect such a goddess to ride with me." She complimented. You were still confused by her. Suddenly, the car shakes. You turn around, and look through the window. It was Star Platinum, Jotaro. You immediately open the door for him. He enters and stands up properly.

"Oh, my. Talk about a strange entrance." The woman commented.

"Don't mind me." Jotaro said.

"Jotaro, are you okay?" You asked, concerned for him.

"I'm fine. Just have to deal with this." He said, revealing his burnt hand, along with this golden-yellow slime on it. 

"Oh por Dios! (Oh my God!) What is this? Is it from the fake Kakyoin?" You asked.

"Yes. And it burns. I tried getting rid of it using fire. Clearly, it didn't worked." He explained. You grabbed his hand, and soothingly caress it with your soft fingers. Jotaro kept his face straight, but he felt comfort by your touch. He then looks at the kid with the popsicle. "Maybe using something cold will work." He said.

He squats down, reaching to the kid's level. He leans in a bit, and speaks to him with this soft voice. "Hey kid, lemme see your ice pop for a sec." He then grabs the popsicle, causing small tears emerge from the little kid. 

"Oh pobrecito. (oh, Poor little one.)" You said. You felt bad.

"Hey! What are you doing to that boy's ice pop?" The woman asked Jotaro.

"Is this your kid?" Jotaro asks her.

"No." She replies.

"Then shut up and enjoy the scenery." He responded.

"Jotaro!" You groan at him silently. He ignores you.

"Sorry. When we get to the ground, I'll buy you a new one." Jotaro told the kid, with the same soft tone. The kid nods in response. You leaned down to the kid, and wipe his little eyes for him. Jotaro stood back up and touches the blue popsicle with his slimy hand. The results were not pleasing to say. The slime became harden and sharp with freezing contact. 

"That bastard! N-now it's forming needles and digging deeper into my hand!" Jotaro stated.

"Hey, you! Fire and ice won't work at all." The woman exclaimed.

You and Jotaro immediately turned to face her, with wide eyes. The woman grabs a handkerchief, blowing her nose. She then proceeds to grab her own breast, squeezing it repeatedly. 

"I told you. It doesn't have a weakness." The woman said.

"W-what?! Is this woman....the stand user?!" You asked Jotaro.

"No, but-" Jotaro was then interrupted by the woman herself.

"Papa! Papa! The puppy! Look!" The kid shaking his dad's shoulder cried out. His dad was not waking up. 

"You bastard! You were already in this cable car?" Jotaro asked the woman. 

"W-what?-" You were stopped by the sudden screams of the boy and his father. You looked at what they were staring. The poor puppy was being choked by the woman's legs. But you and Jotaro could clearly see it was in terrible danger, as yellow slime is flowing around it's body. The man desperately wanting to save the dog, starts pulling the leash. 

"W-ait! Don't do that!" You exlclaimed.

"It's dangerous! Don't pull!" Jotaro yelled.

From all that pulling, the dog's head is decapitated. Blood was spread all over the place. The little boy and the man were traumatized. You were just furious. Jotaro emotions were unknown. The woman's body soon desperse and explodes into the same yellow substance, revealing a man with dark hair and sharp eyebrows. 

"Jotaro, buddy!" He exclaims. Jotaro immediately releases Star Platinum, who quickly grabs a metal bar/tube to hit the enemy. 

The man seemed surprised at first, but manages to shield himself using his slime. "Are you even listening to me? You dumbass redneck!" The yellow slime soon devours the metal tube, crushing it with it's unknown strength. "My Stand is essentially an armor that consume power. A barrier that attacks! No matter how fast you may be, no matter how strong you may be, it's absolutely useless before Yellow Temperance!" He exclaimed. Star Platinum seemed to have trouble with pulling  the metal tube back. 

"You can't defeat me! You can't even run, unless you cut off your right hand! Do you understand?!" He yelled, speaking English at the last part. 

His stand, Yellow Temperance, then spreads, sticking onto you and Jotaro. 

"You have no way of winning! You can't get away! Not until you're digested! I'll eat you up!" He yelled more. 

You and Jotaro were struggling with the stand's heat. It was burning your skin. You looked at Jotaro's hand, which was losing blood. Smoke was very visible as well. The man is trying to burn both of you alive.

"Yare yare daze. This thing really doesn't have a weakness. It could be the most powerful thing ever. How terrifying." Jotaro states. Despite what he is saying, none of it goes along with his face and tone of voice. "But the Kujo family...No. The Joestar family has its own philosophy when it comes to fighting. I still have just one strategy left." 

No way, is he actually going to do the Nigerundayo!, You thought.

"Really? And what would that be?" The man asks. 

"That would be...." Jotaro releases Star Platinum once again. Star punches the floor, making a large hole. "...TO RUN AWAY!" 

"SI! LO HICISTES!" (YES! YOU DID IT!) You cheered. Jotaro grabs your hand, falling down from the hole together, to drag the man with you. 

The Joestar secret technique is always the best strategy.

(A/N: I am sorry for not being online and keeping stuff updated. School and work has been getting me all busy. I will eventually come back. I am thankful for all your support. Thank you so much for reading this chapter. May God bless you. <3)

Jotaro x Reader: The Last Hamon UserTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang