"Fine do you want to know who I was with?" I smirked

"Yes" River spoke as if she didn't know.

I let out a gasp as Draco's cold hand brushed against my thigh.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" Draco scoffed, noticing my reaction to the slightest touch.

"I'm gonna go" I stood up from the table.

"We didn't mean to-" Pansy started

"I'm fine...I just have to go" I smiled weakly

I left the table and walked I to the hall.

I've never been touched by someone and felt the way I did last night. I could still feel Draco's hands on my skin. He was so delicate with me, as if I was made from rare porcelain. He found pleasure in pleasuring me...I'd never known anyone like that. This wasn't something I could share with my friends...they wouldn't understand.

"Estella? I've been looking for you" Harry tugged my arm.

"This isn't a good time Harry" I continued walking

"Were you at the party last night?" He completely ignored what I said.

"What party?"

"Don't play stupid with me" he gripped my wrist

"Harry stop!" I pulled away

"Ron said he'd seen you, I don't want you to think anything was happening between Ginny and I-"

"Harry just don't" I sighed

"He also said he seen you with Malfoy" he sneered

"It's nothing...we just stopped by to grab some drinks" I smiled weakly

"I don't want to see you get caught up with the wrong people...that's all" he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

I nodded and stared at the ground

"Meet me in the library tonight?" He winked

"sure" i said faintly

He pulled my face towards his and kissed me and then continued down the hall.


"Why did you leave at breakfast?" Pansy sat down at our table

"I had to grab...something from my room" I lied

"I'm not dumb." She scoffed

"I didn't say you were"

"There's something going on with Draco isn't there?" She smirked

"What? No"

"Really?" She leaned back in her chair and cocked her eyebrow

"did he say something?" I whispered

"Not to me...to Blaise, but you didn't hear that from me" she pulled out her notebook.

"That minger!" I groaned

"From what I've heard...he's got it pretty bad for you El" she winked

"No it was just a late...eventful night" I scoffed, reading through my book.

"He said you almost hooked up" she spoke as if it was nothing.

"Was there anything he didn't tell Blaise?" I rubbed my forehead in exhaustion.

"Well there's something else but...I seen it with my own eyes" she closed my book so i could focus on her.


"I know You've been sneaking around with Potter" she sighed

My palms became sweaty and my heart started to race.

"Harry Potter? Yeah right" I scoffed

"Don't play smug...I seen you both...many of times. In the hall, the library...I've seen you sneaking in and out of the common room late at night. I've been wanting to talk to you about it for awhile-"

"Have you mentioned this to anyone?" I interrupted

"No..I just wanted to-"

"If you tell anyone Parkinson...I swear" I sneered

"What's your problem? I'm trying to help you, I don't want you to get hurt...he's bad news El" she placed her hand on mine

"I'm fine...I don't need your help, or anyone's" I opened my book and continued to read.

"...I'll remember that" she said quietly


"You made it" Harry walked from around the corner of the books, smiling.

"Why did you want to meet here of all places?" I whispered

"It would be quieter here" Hermione stepped from another corner

"What's she doing here?" I asked, backing away from them.

"Don't forget me" I backed into Ron

"Harry...what's going on?" I panicked

"Sh, sh, sh...were not going to hurt you dear" he walked towards me.

Once he walked close enough he grabbed my face roughly and began looking...for what exactly?

"Where are we taking her?" Ron spoke

"The place we discussed...We should have everything now" Harry grabbed my arms and Ron grabbed my legs

"This will be fun.." Hermione twirled a piece of my hair around her finger, then placed a piece of cloth over my mouth.

Everything then went dark.

Sorry I know I said this would be out the other day, I decided to completely change what I had planned for this story...forgive me in advance? lol

I'm so ready for you all to see where I take this story.

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