Chapter 3

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Nanny Plum PoV:

I walked towards the great elf tree after a long day of fixing food for the royal feast. I hoped I would see the Wise old elf. And to a miracle, I did. I am almost never blessed with luck like this. I smiled at him and blushed. He grumbled at me. "What do you want?" He said to me, Angrily. "I... I..." I stuttered. He saw the magical flowers I had been making for him for days. "Why... Did you make me those? Did you put effort into something for me..?" He asked. "You... You love me.." He continued. I was embarrassed. "Y.. Yes... I.. I do..." I responded hesitantly and shyly. My instinct took over and I walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek, Which embarrassed me even more. "This... This truly shocks me." He stated. Suddenly, Daisy and Poppy thistle magicked up a hawk and then she(The hawk I mean) dashed at the Wise old elf. I told him to look out but it was too late, The hawk grabbed him in her talons and carried him to another hawk, Which was a male. He screamed as the hawk opened his mouth to swallow him whole. I immediately flew to him and yanked him from the magical hawk's talons, Carrying him to the ground. "DAISY AND POPPY." I yelled. "YOU NEARLY HARMED THE MOST HANDSOME ELF IN THE LITTLE KINGDOM!" The Wise old elf blushed slightly. Daisy and Poppy got mad and flew off. Then, The Wise old elf smiled at me, Which made me nearly faint with excitement. He had never smiled at me before. I put my hand on his back to help him balance himself after he had the frightening experience OF NEARLY GETTING EATEN. My cheeks were completely red, I was blushing all over my face. He only slightly blushed, But I figure that was because he has a skinny face and has less room to blush. He put his hand on the back of his head. I brought him to the royal garden to show him where I made the magical flowers. Plant spells are rather difficult, And that is something he understands, As he used to love magic, Back when everyone called him Sedrick. Now nobody refers to him as his name anymore, And now he's just the Wise old elf. My wings were tucked behind my back the whole time from excitement, Making me look like a tiny big person. "You really spent ages making something for me." He said to me, Nearly crying with happiness.

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