Chapter 1

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Wise old elf PoV:

I saw a lot of chickens had escaped from the elf farm. "We have to round them up!" I shouted. We got them all to stand next to each other. "Mr. Elf! It's a good thing you were here and not off on your deliveries!" I said to Mr. Elf. He then panicked and rushed to the elf truck. I went to the elf farm and then Nanny Plum rushed to me saying the king needs an egg. For some reason I saw Nanny Plum blush slightly, But I payed no attention to it. Me and her discussed for a moment and then it was decided that we would give the king our chickens. The chickens were too hard to care for anyway, We were planning to give them away. Nanny Plum blushed harder when she got to sit next to me, Which confused me even more at the moment. A few days later it all made sense though. BUT LET'S GET BACK TO THE POINT. She caused a slight chicken panic but we got it under control. "Have you ever seen a chicken in water!?" I argued to her when she said ducks were chickens. "Wait here." I said, Rushing to the elf truck to get my egg disguise. "Told you, He's dressed as Humpty Dumpty." Nanny Plum said, Making me wonder what happened while I was gone. We ventured through the badlands, And started to make a camp site in the badlands. I went to bed after I told Nanny Plum to guard the chickens. When I woke up she told me that the chickens had left. "YOU WATCHED THEM WANDER OFF INTO THE NIGHT!?" I shouted at her. Then I sighed and sent everybody to go get the chickens. We accidentally caused a chicken stampede, As I was just being an old elf in that moment and blew my horn. I wasn't very wise in that situation. Nanny Plum seemed to be really excited to be in a real cowboy situation. A cockerel crowed into the castle window. The chickens begun to eat the king's garden. Nanny Plum paused to look at me for a moment before entering the castle. I gave everyone a tour of the elf factory in the following morning. As usual, Nanny Plum complained about her nausea on the elf train. Suddenly, The elf factory stopped. It had never stopped before, Which confused everyone. I showed Nanny Plum the great elf tower, But she said it was a litter bin. I put on my hazmat suit and went into the great elf tower. Nanny Plum cheered me on as I climbed up it, Which is something she had never done before.

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