Prologue || Ackerman's Sister

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Long days off were a rare occurrence. The Survey Corps, particularly the Special Operations Squad, were always off on some dangerous mission fighting titans as such was their job, so the initial idea of hiding out in a peaceful cabin felt foreign and unnerving. Nonetheless, it was still an important mission considering they would be there to protect both Eren and Historia. Given the surprising revelations recently made at Wall Rose, it was important that the Survey Corps moved forward with caution, after all, titans were no longer their only enemies; they had to be careful of even those inside the walls now.

Upon arriving at their temporary cabin home, the squad was quick to keep themselves distracted from recent betrayals and heartache with work. Eren cleaned, Mikasa chopped wood while Historia helped her bring it inside, and everyone else unloaded the wagons to bring everything inside. While the tasks seemed simple enough, it didn't take long for the teens to begin bickering as they often did back in their training corps days. Eren fussed about the others possibly dragging mud inside much to Jean's annoyance, Armin worried over Mikasa overworking herself too much, and everyone eventually demanded to check Sasha's pockets to make sure she wasn't sneaking any extra rations seeing that she had volunteered to carry a crate of food inside. At least they were staying distracted...

Entering the cabin with a small crate of his belongings, Levi didn't spare a single glance at the bickering group. He was already in a terrible mood that morning and planned on leaving the entire squad to Hanji's lead while he mopped in peace, so he had very little patience to deal with anyone especially annoying brats.

Eren was the only one to notice Levi enter the room, watching him intensely in fear that he might suddenly stop to point out some speck of dirt he forgot to sweep off the floor. Instead, Levi made no pause, not even when a piece of paper slipped through one of the cracks of the crate he carried.

"Corporal, you dropped something," Eren was quick to pick the paper up, glancing down to look it over without much thought to the action itself. He wasn't quite sure what he expected to be on it aside from maybe just a ton of scribbles listing attack plans or even a letter from Erwin to update them on the current situation, but he was surprised to see neither was the case. Instead, the paper contained a rather detailed pencil drawing.

The background of the drawing, consisting of a few buildings, was lazily sketched in comparison to its subjects which were Levi and a young woman Eren didn't recognize. Whoever she was, she wore a Survey Corps uniform and was smilingly brightly at whoever was drawing the picture, so much so that Eren could image that her eyes would've been practically glowing in person. Her arm was draped over the shoulders of Levi in whom she stood leaning against. Even he had the smallest of smiles tugging at his lips which was such a foreign sight to imagine on Levi of all people.

"Who-" Eren was about to ask, however, he was cut off when the drawing was snatched away from his grip, Levi quickly putting it back in his box while sending the teen the darkest glare he had ever seen.

"Don't. Touch. That," the words were spit with venom before Levi marched off, his feet stomping against the ground like a child denied sweets expect he was far scarier than a child and the livid look in his eyes was enough to send a chill down the whole squad's backs (minus Mikasa's, of course).

As luck would have, Hanji entered the cabin with some of her own belongings seconds after Levi left. While she had just missed his reaction, she instantly took notice of everyone else's, her previous smile dropping a bit in confusion," hey, what's gotten everyone looking so gloomy? This place isn't that terrible, is it?"

"Eren's already pissed off Corporal Levi," Jean wasted no time explaining, crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall.

Eren spun his way with a scowl," I didn't do anything! I was going to give him back the drawing he dropped!"

"It must've just been an important drawing. He probably didn't want anything to happen to it," Armin suggested honestly, hoping to avoid a possible argument, however, with Jean and Eren, that rarely worked.

"Yeah, I wouldn't want Eren's filthy titan hands on my shit either."

"You wanna talk about me and my hands?! Look how dirty yours are! You'd be better off with hooves at this point!"


Hanji took little notice to the fight that was about to occur, curiosity stealing her attention instead as it often did," so, Levi's taken on a drawing hobby, eh? I never thought he'd be the sort. Ooh, what was it of? Was it good or have his drawing skills still failed to improve?"

"Huh? I-I don't know who drew it, but it was of Corporal Levi and some girl," fortunately, Eren redirected his attention away from wanting to punch Jean to think about the drawing he saw only for that belief second earlier," it must've been drawn a while ago. He looked younger."

"Now you're calling him old? And to think you were just kissing up to him a second ago," Jean snickered.

Eren was ready to pull his fist back with Armin trying his best to pull him away from Jean when Hanji spoke, freezing everyone with her surprisingly calm words,"...oh, it must've been that drawing of Levi and (Y/n) they had done years ago. I'm pretty sure he's never stopped carrying that around with him."

"(Y/n)? Who's that?" Historia asked for everyone who immediately gave their full attention to Hanji.

She took a seat at the table, smiling, although, it appeared a bit sad which was unusual compared to her normal perky personality," right, I guess you guys would've never had a chance to hear about her yet, huh? (Y/n) was Levi's older sister."


"Wait, since when does Levi have a sibling?!"

"Since before any of you were born," Hanji chuckled, resting her chin in her hand," they joined the Survey Corps at the same time. Personality wise, she was a lot...warmer than Levi, let's put it that way, but as far as fighting went, they were both equally skilled. Actually, I personally think she was a little scarier than Levi when she got mad, but at the end of the day, she was the most selfless person I think I've ever met..."

As Hanji recalled the girl, the squad filled in around the table, quietly listening as they tried to imagine such a nice sounding person especially if they were directly related to Levi.

"...What happened to her?" Eren dared to ask, all eyes going to Hanji who's smile faded, her own eyes casing downwards at the wood table. That action alone was enough to give everyone their answer, after all, they were talking about someone once involved with the Survey Corps, but nevertheless, Hanji took in a deep breath, preparing herself to give a proper answer even if it would sting.

"It's a bit of a long story if you want all the details. I guess it would be best if I started at the beginning- that is, if you want to hear it-"

"-Yes!" Everyone leaned forward, eager to hear more. Even Mikasa looked a little interested.

Hanji gave a slight chuckle at the teens before nodding and folding her arms over the table to get comfortable," well in that case, it all started about twenty-seven years ago, in a place known as the Underground..."

Ackerman's Sister || Levi x Sister Reader x ErwinOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz