When Ivy had became 'friends' with Potter and the rest of them, she had seen Granger spending a lot of her time reading books far to old for her.

"I'm sticking with first year." Ivy reached into her pocket and pulled out a large sum of money. "How much do you want to bet?"

"50 galleons." Pansy said smugly, assured that she was right. Ivy counted out 50 and placed it in front of them, Pansy followed suit.

"50 galleons." Ivy repeated. Just as assured as the other girl was.

Pansy waved over the young girl. Ivy almost felt sorry for her, she looked petrified but still made her way over to them, terrified of disobeying the two very powerful girls.

"What's your name?" Ivy asked her softly as she patted the ground beside her gesturing for the Hufflepuff to sit.

Hesitantly she did. "Wolnate." She told her last name.

The girl was averagely pretty, she had shoulder length golden hair that seemed to make her tanned skin glow. But her body seemed disproportionate, her head was too big for her small body.

"Wolnate, how are you-" Ivy began to ask but was soon cut off by Pansy.
"Don't fluff it up, just ask her directly." She tutted. I noticed the Hufflepuff's gaze flicker down to the cat i between Pansy's legs, she smiled widely once she saw it.

"What year are you in?" Ivy sighed angrily at Pansy, she had wanted to have some fun with this but clearly Pansy had other ideas.


A smirk fell upon Ivy's lips as she snatched the money from the ground. She just gained 50 galleons, she was always good with bets.


"Ivy." Theodore called out to her as he jogged to catch up to her. She was walking to her next class which she happened to share with Theo.

She stopped, letting him catch his breath. He handed her a piece of paper, smiling proudly to himself.

"What's this?" Ivy questioned him as she briefly read over it. The parchment had been dyed a deep velvet green with a large black Slytherin crest in the corner. Theo smiled altruistically at her as he pointed to the title.

'Try outs tonight'.

"Slytherin quidditch team sign up sheet." He spoke warmly as he looked slightly down at her, a hint of doting danced in his dark brown eyes. "I remembered you telling me in our first year that you wanted to be in the team."

Girls didn't join the Slytherin quidditch team.

It was common knowledge. Throughout the hundreds of years Hogwarts had been playing quidditch there hadn't been a single girl on the Slytherin team.

The type of girls that were sorted into the serpent's house were traditional ones, ones that sat back and watched rather than actually play. It was extremely looked down upon for Slytherin girls to play the sport.

Ivy returned to smile to Theo as she glanced up from the parchment. He had remembered from all those years ago. "You know I can't Theo." She handed it back to him.

"Do it." He encouraged her. "You want this." He was right Ivy had dreamed of scoring goal after goal in their games and winning the quidditch cup.

Theo folded up the parchment and tucked it into her robe pocket. "You can push Potter off of his broom." He chuckled impudently as they walked into our class together, it was transfiguration and everyone already seemed to be seated.

"Don't you know me well." Ivy breathed humorously as they slipped into their seats hoping not to disturb Professor McGonagall.
"And that's why I think you should join this year." He insisted quietly, knowing McGonagall liked her classroom's silent.

Ivy sighed and shook her head. "Girls don't play quidditch." She hissed as she copied down the notes on the blackboard. She barely knew anyone in this class, the only person she was friends with in it was Theodore.

"You do."

His gaze casted down onto Ivy's hand where a single ring rested. Her mother had given it to her for her birthday last year. It was gorgeous, just plain silver with with four equally sized emeralds placed around it.

"I want you to go to the try outs." He murmured softly as he tore his eyes away from the silver wrapped around her finger. He looked up to her and smiled lopsidedly.

"I know you can make the team."

Poison, Peril and Pearls  D.MWhere stories live. Discover now