"My apologies, little brother, but I will be accompanying her tonight,". It everything happen so fast, cause the next thing I knew, Aamon threw a dagger at Gavin that pinned him to the counter behind him, by the shoulder and I was suddenly enveloped in a cloak and was carried out of the mansion. I struggled in his grasps, hoping that he would release me.

But the more I struggled, the tighter his grip on me. I eventually behaved as I was tired of struggling in his arms. I breathed heavily as I used a lot of my energy to break free. I must admit, being in his arms felt nice and warm. I tried to get a glimpse at his face, he's really sinfully handsome, which I thought it was impossible.

Oh great, now I'm having a crush on him. Just great. But I must admit he was as handsome as twin Paxleys, maybe more then them. I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt my feet touched the ground, and I just realised that the cloak that covered us both was now gone. I took a step forward as I was amazed at my surroundings. I was standing on the courtyard of the biggest mansion, I have ever seen before; bigger than Gavin's place. And the decor was indeed breathtaking and truly fit for a royal, like Aamon himself.

I suddenly felt underdressed as I'm just wearing my new uniform of my new job and I'm standing in front of house that looks truly magnificent. "Do not worry, great Scarlet, you do not looked underdressed in this house," Aamon reassured me, "if truth be told, you are more fitting for this grand mansion then I would".

A faint blush appeared on my cheeks at his comments. Oh great, he is a smooth-talker as well. Oh not this time. I cleared my throat as I avoided my eyes from him, "I appreciate the complement Duke Aamon, but need I remind you that I am your brother's fiancee," I continued, "and I expected that you, the oldest brother of the family, would be respectful towards your future sister-in-law".

I could see the corner of his lips curving up into a sly smirk, now I know where Gusion and Gavin got their sweet-talking abilities and their charms. "How was I disrespectful, dear Scarlet?" he asked.

"You kidnapped me away from Gavin and now flirting with me," I replied as I looked straight at him in the eye. I could see that he was already prepared to face me eye to eye. He is smart, loyal, brave and cunning, but I am not gonna make him look down on me like his brother's did; when they first met me.

He gently grabbed my chin, forcing me to look only and only at him. I really wish I could slap that smirk off his face, but if I do, he will cut off the engagement between me and Gavin and I would also be disrespecting him. But, hell that smirk suited him so well. I bit my lip to hide my blush, I am not letting him see it. I gave him a sharp glare, I did not care that he if he is the heir of the Paxley family, I am not gonna show weakness towards him. 

"There is one thing that my brother was right about you, you are more fitting in pink than in red or purple," he complemented me, but I know he was teasing me.

"Don't you think so, Gusion?" he suddenly asked as I looked over Aamon's shoulder to see Gusion in his V.E.N.O.M. uniform. Wait, how he knew that I would be here?

Aamon release my chin as he put an arm around me and pulled me closer to him. "Long time no see Gusion, tell me, are you that addicted to this young flower?"

Now, I could see why I had fallen for the man that was in front of me. His messy silver hair, matches his personality so well. He is rough, tough, dashing and also possessive. His silver hair made him look like and alpha wolf and I was his prey. In his uniform, makes it more breathtaking to look at, as he represented a scorpion; that is lethal and powerful.

I wanted so bad to hug him, to fell his warmth around me again. But, I can't. I can't. We are for now enemies and I am soon to be wedded to his twin brother. I hold back my tears as I haven't seen him for a very, very long time.

"It's not wrong to be addictive Aamon, for once she is the best decision I made," Gusion said as I could feel his eyes on me. I am so close to let my tears free, I only showed weakness in front of him and only him.

"I do adore you the most little brother, but I'm afraid this will be the first time I will be jealous and I will fight for this precious flower," Aamon taunted him. I can't lie, I really felt honoured to be the centre of attention of the Paxley brother's, but I know they are powerful enough to hurt each other. As their family was infamous for being talented in the art of fighting and magic.

Wait, Aamon is also interested in me? Then what about Gavin's and mine engagement. "But, I'm soon going to be engage to Gavin," I reminded them.

Aamon placed a sweet kiss on my forehead, "Sweet little flower, I am the new Duke of the Paxley family, I can easily cancel the engagement and make you my bride".

I was appalled, I knew he had this much power, but I am still shocked at his words. I knew Aamon as a cold and strict man when I was young, but this is a new side of him, that I think he never showed to anyone before. "Don't you dare Aamon," Gusion warned as he I could hear almost a growl from him and his voice lingers of poison, "if you lay another finger on her, I will f*cking murder you Aamon".

Aamon just smirked at him, clearly not afraid of his treats. A shiver ran down my spine as the atmosphere became cold as winter and it almost choke me as it also felt deadly; and I knew it all come from Gusion."Such language brother, you need to be punish," Aamon continued, "and I know the perfect punishment for you little brother". What happen next, was the final straw for Gusion. As Aamon pushed my bangs to the side, lifted my chin to look at him face to face and placed his cold lips onto mine. He kissed me. He actually kissed me and I felt that it was no ordinary kiss, but a passionate kiss. I will not lie, I kinda enjoyed every moment of it very much. He was gentle and yet rough at the same time. He slowly pulled away as I savoured the feeling of his soft lips on mine.


Hey guys! Just want to remind everyone that I do not owned MLBB. I just own this plot of the story and nothing more. I don't actually know what Aamon personality is like so, I tried to make him regal and a flirt at the same time. And also that he cares about his brothers. So, please don't be mad at me. I just want to make the story a bit more interesting.

That's all from me. See you guys later, in the Land of Dawn!

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