6. The first step is jealousy.

Start from the beginning

"Rajkumari, who's rude? You or me?" Arjun asked Panchali.

"Obviously you!" Panchali huffed in annoyance. .

"Well, I don't think so!"


"Because, we're allowed to have our own opinions. That can't make us rude now, am I right?" Arjun asked with one of his eyebrows raised.

Panchali's eyes travelled to his eyes and forehead. How did he do that? She wanted to learn it too.

"Ugh! I don't want to talk about it Rajkumar..." She trailed off as she didn't even know his name yet and here she was arguing with him.

"I am Arjun from the Kuru family. I am the third Pandava." He introduced himself.

"But, Madhav had called you by a different name, right?"

"Just like people call you Draupadi, Panchali, Yagyaseni and so on." Arjun smirked. Panchali wanted to face palm herself for asking such a stupid question.

"I want to call you by a different name." Arjun stated.

"Why?" Panchali was puzzled.

"We can be friends then. Friends have the right to call each other by different names." Arjun smiled.

"But, we don't even know each other."

"Yes, exactly. It gives us all the more reason to become friends."

"Ummm... Alright!" Panchali was unsure about this whole thing but didn't voice it out.

Krishna, who was listening to their whole conversation, understood his Sakhi's dilemma. He held her right hand and gave it a light squeeze in order to assure her that he was with her. Panchali looked at him and smiled slightly. His Sakhi and Sakha didn't know it yet that they'll be the ones who will lead the whole Aryavarta towards a new dawn.

Panchali glanced at Arjun once more. He was looking very handsome. He was colour coordinating with her. The light stuble that was there on his cheeks and chin made him look all the way more handsome. His facial features weren't soft but rugged. It was probably because he was a warrior. There were a few battle scars too, which spoke about his valiant nature.

 There were a few battle scars too, which spoke about his valiant nature

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Panchali didn't realise she was openly gawking at Arjun. It was only when Arjun cleared his throat with a fake cough that she came out of her stupor.

"As much as I'd like you to look at me Krishnaa, I can't let you to continue doing it because your father's calling you." Arjun smirked. He was loving the blush that had crept up silently into Panchali's cheeks, making her look all the way more cute.

"Uhh.. Yeah. I should better go then." Panchali got up quickly, trying to avoid the awkward situation. However, her luck betrayed her. The moment she took her first step, her leg got entangled in her saree which had somehow gotten loose and she fell down.

Panchali closed her eyes, fearing about the impact with the hardwood floor. Miraculously though, she didn't feel the pain even after a whole minute had passed. She opened one eye of hers and saw that she was engulfed in between the arms of someone having a rock hard chest. The two arms that were protecting her looked as strong as the pillars of the hall that they were sitting in. Her eyes travelled to the face of the owner of those strong arms and was surprised to see Arjun's face.

Their eyes locked. If Yagyaseni's eyes flicked like fire, Arjun's eyes shined like lightning. Panchali could cleary see concern written all over Arjun's face. Was he worried about her?

She held Arjun by his shoulder and tried to get up. By now everyone else had come near them. Satyajit was the first one to reach near his sister.

Once Panchali stood up with the help of Arjun, Satyajit literally pulled her into a hug.

"Are you okay, Drau?" Satyajit asked.

"Yes Jyesth. I am fine. Rajkumar Arjun saved me before I could hit the ground." She said looking up at her brother. Satyajit kissed her forehead lovingly and passed a smile to Arjun.

"Satya, why don't you take Drau back to her chamber?" Aswathama asked. He was equally concerned for Panchali. If she was his best friend's sister, it meant she was like his sister too.

"No Bhrata, don't send me away to my chamber. I want to enjoy the programme." Panchali said with pleading eyes.

The Pandavas had been standing near the siblings all this while. They didn't want to interrupt their conversation. However, seeing Panchali's puppy dog eyes, they couldn't resist. Yudhisthir was the first one to speak.

"Satya, let her stay. We'll make sure that she doesn't get into danger again." 

"But.." Before Satyajit could protest, Bheem interrupted.

"Why be afraid, when the mighty Vrikodar is at the Panchal Kumari's service?" Bheem joked.

Panchali giggled hearing that. The Pandavas were indeed good people. Her Sakha and Revati jiji were right about them.

Satyajit can never go against the words of his two elder brothers. He had to relent.

"Satya, don't worry! I and Kanha will keep an eye on choti too." Balram assured. He and Kanha were brothers too. So, he understood Satyajit's dilemma perfectly.

"The princes of the Kuru and Yadava family won't let you down." Duryodhan joined in. It didn't take him time to figure out that his brothers had a soft corner for Panchali. Especially, the Pandavas. Anybody can say it by looking at their faces that they were smitten.

Duryodhan can never blame his brothers for that, though. Panchali's beauty was something that can never be expressed in words.  Even a blind person would easily be captivated by her. Her aura and personality was very powerful. It demanded everyone's undivided attention. If he wouldn't have had feelings for Bhanumathi, the princess of Kashi already, he would have behaved like his brothers too.

"Okay then! Its finalised. We will watch the programme together. Someone among us will keep an eye on this missy all the time. She's just like a newborn kid. I don't want her to get into any sort of trouble." Satyajit said.

Everyone agreed with Satyajit. The Pandavas were more than happy. They'll be getting some time more to spend with Panchali. Maybe they can be friends then.

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