" I mean. We didn't even smiled at each other before you know. We weren't that close and now , we are sitting under the same tree beside each other. Plus you're the one who is helping me besides everyone " Heeseung said and closed his eyes

" I still don't like you. What did you even think huh ?! " Chaewon said and leaned on the tree as well

" Whatever you said , your heart can't decline the fact Chaewon " Heeseung chuckled

" Which fact ? The fact I don't like you is same as before. It won't change ever. I don't like you and I don't like you. That's it " Chaewon said and stood up facing Heeseung

" Stand up " Chaewon said making Heeseung frowned at her

" Did you get hit by something on your head or what ? I can't stand up stupid " Heeseung shouted making her flinch

" Then , are you going to stay in that wheelchair for rest of your life huh ? Okay then you won't get a girlfriend either " she said and smirked evilly

" So , that means you really want me to stand up and walk huh ? " Heeseung questioned earning a death glare from Chaewon

" Seriously ?! Okay then stay like that and go to the room anyhow. I'm not gonna help you anymore " Chaewon was about to walk away but Heeseung immediately stopped her by holding her wrist

" Fine. I'll stand up. Help me " He said and let go of her hand

" Apologize first " Chaewon said making Heeseung looked at her again

" For what ? I didn't do anything wrong plus I never apologized to anyone... except for you " He murmured last three words to himself

" You teased me. Isn't that wrong ? Apologize or I'm gonna leave " Chaewon looked at him folding her arms

" Okay okay I'm sorry. Happy ? " Heeseung said and looked away from her sight but she immediately grabbed his arm making him hissed in a light pain

" Sorry Sorry. Try it " with that he stood up with the help of Chaewon

" Ahh " Heeseung hissed again and Chaewon realized that it wasn't the right time for him to walk

" I- I'm sorry Heeseung sit. Does it hurts a lot ? " Chaewon aaked. That time Heeseung noticed something on her and that made him suprised evenmore. Somehow he felt kinda happy and guilty at the same time

" Chaewon " She didn't hear him since she was so busy checking up on his legs

" Chaewon " That's when she looked at him sniffing

" Why are you crying ? " Heeseung asked and Chaewon touched her face only to feel her wet cheeks. She was crying without her knowing and she didn't even know the reason for why she cried

" I- let's go " with that Chaewon held the handle of the wheelchair and wiped her tears from her sleave

It was a dead silence between them after came to the room. No one dared to speak first because both of them were confused about their feelings towards each other. They could feel some wierd things inside them yet they couldn't find out any reason for that. Especially for Chaewon. Heeseung wanted to break the silence and finally decided to speak

" Chaewon about what happened earlier- " He wanted to say something but before he could finish what he was saying someone came into the room

" Yo what's up ?! " Jake came with some bags on his hand and Sunghoon and Jay followed him behind

" Roof. You ruined everything " Heeseung wanted to make sure that he said that last sentence only to heard himself but his bad luck got the chance to win and Sunghoon heard that

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