part 13. (peter parker and happy)

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It has been a week after the incident in the school and edward is indeed realy mad at trevor and luis that his stress pressure is starting to rise.edward is so angry that he even starts having ptsd of his times in fact,edward is so angry at trevor and luis that he does not talk to them because he wants to be the bigger person and not scold them like how a father will scold their kids.

Jade:ara araa?

Edward: sister please no...not now ok.i just want to go out and have a drink on my own.

Edward whithout warning just quickly walk out the door and drove his car elsewhere and even ignoring peggy and yelena trying to talk to him.

Yelena: jeez that guy has anger problems

Peggy:😰lets hope he does not lose himself

Helen: all because of an idiot😐.

The three ladies then looked at trevor who is watching tv while feeding the fishes in the aquarium overhearing their discussion


Helen cho:😑😑

Peggy:...realy trevor?...the third time.

Yelena: im not suprised..trevor always do the most stupid things...suchka

Kurt:you know trevor...i think you should leave him alone for a week.

Trevor:um...oops hopefully i don't wake the dragon out of him.

Kurt:no you wrong.edward is the dragon..and your an actor.

Trevor:.....ah crap...

Meanwhile in the second floor jade is borrowing kurt's computer so that she could attend online classes by her history teacher miss ziran whom is a very beautiful teacher and edward secretly has a crush on her.

(Miss ziran)

Jade:hey miss ziran😏

Ziran: yess sweety?

Jade:can you do me a favour after this class?

Ziran: sure jade what can i do?

Jade: my brother is realy stress lately becausenof the ruckuss do you mind inviting him to baskin robbins and like calm him down? Plus you can get to know him😏

Ziran:ouh..well sure jade i will find him..that poor guy😢.


Yelena is making mocktails for the group as well as for jade then the house phone then starts to ring and so yelena picks up the call to answer who it was.

??: umm hello can i ask is this edward's house for rent?and are you edward?

Yelena: umm yess this house room is for rent besides we still had some rooms to spare and no im not edward because i have no balls.and suchka i have no uterus too because the red room cut of my falopian tubes like chop chop chop and yea.

??:😐😐 the way my name is happy umm im a bodyguard for hire and i need two rooms one for me and also one for my..niece..peter parker.

Yelena: alright then i will let him know (ends call)



Peggy: oh god lets hope they don't ocupy my tv im trying to watch the political tension

Trevor: oh bloody hell carter you have been watching the news like its some kind of drama😑😑

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