Chapter 2 - Bankruptcy

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Melina's pov:

I was coming back from my date with George when I heard shouting and yelling coming from my house. As I entered the house the voices got louder especially when I crossed the hall making me realize that the voices were coming from the living room. I approached it quietly and saw my father arguing with two large men dressed in black. Their attitude was very threatening. I stood behind the door and hid. I knew what I was doing was wrong, but I wanted to know what was going on. I was worried. I have never heard yelling and screaming in my house before. I carefully looked left and right to check if anyone was coming, and when I was sure that no one was around, I continued to eavesdrop, hoping that my stepmother, Tina, would not catch me, or I would be severely punished.
-"The deadline you were given has expired. Our master wants his money back. So give us the money!" one of the men shouted at my father.
"I did not know that my father owed money to these men. How much? And why did he borrow money? " I wondered.
-"I do not have it! How many times do I have to tell you?' replied my father, disappointed.
-"Then give us something valuable" the other man suggested.
-"I gave you everything I had last time" my father countered.
-"Then we'll take what we can find. Search the whole house!" ordered the other.
-"No! No you can't do this! What a scandal! Please! Do not search the house!" my father pleaded.
-"We can not return empty-handed to our master" the other man explained.
-"Here! Take my pendant watch. It's an heirloom. It costs a fortune" my father said taking the watch out of his inside vest pocket and offering it to them. The taller one grabbed it greedily and after examining it for a few seconds said:
-"This watch isn't enough to pay off your debt, you know that my Count."
-"I know it, but it is the only available at the moment" my father said bowing his head in shame.
-"We can't give him only the watch! He will be furious" the shorter man said.
-"Tell your master not to worry! I am a Count I have many rich and powerful friends. He'll get his money. Just give me more time!" my father reassured them.
-"We'll be back in a week. You better have all the money you owe us or you'll lose your house," the man said as he prepared to leave. I quickly hid behind the velvet curtain that covered the hall window and was only a few inches away from the living room door.
-"Don't worry I will have it. I give you my word" said my father defeated.
-"Your word isn't worth much, my count" one of the men said sarcastically. When they all got out I quickly ran upstairs to my bedroom crying.
-"Have I seen correctly? Did my father give my grandfather's watch to these men? Has he completely lost his mind? This watch costs a fortune! How much money does he owe them after all?"

Later, in the Earl's bedroom.

Count Aggelos' pov:

-"We have to do something! They'll be back in a week! I have nothing to give them" I said in frustration.
-"Αsk your friends to lend you" Tina proposed.
-"I have already borrowed large sums of money from almost all my friends. They won't lend me more you know that" I said frustrated.
-"Τhen give your daughter to that Russian Ambassador, what was his name again.........Alexandrovich? He has asked for her several times. He wants her as his bride."
-"How can I give my only daughter to that wreck?"
-"We all come to the point of making sacrifices. You must tell your daughter the truth. All these years she lives like a princess without lacking anything. It's time for her to repay you for what you offered her for so long."
-"How can you ask me such a thing? She's my only daughter for Christ's sake!" I scolded her.
-"Why not? He has status, power and a lot of money! And if your daughter soon bears him a child, she will inherit all his fortunes!" she suggested shamelessly.
-"No! Don't you dare tell me that again! I will not sell my daughter! Let alone to a man decades older than her! Just the thought of him disgusts me!" I scolded her.
-"Then what other choice do you have"' she said giving me a questioning look.
-"I'll find something" I said and walked out of the bedroom. I couldn't stand her anymore. Her proposals were crazy. I still can't believe how she wants to marry Melina to that old bag of bones. I don't want to and I won't allow it! Even if this decision costs me my life. I'd rather be dead than marry her to that despicable man. But Tina was right about one thing. I can't leave Melina in the dark anymore. She must know the truth about everything!

After a short walk in the garden I finally found the courage to tell Melina the whole truth. It was now or never. I knew I would never find the courage to be honest with her again. I hurried up the stairs and headed to her room, knocked on the door and waited. My heart was beating like crazy. My beautiful daughter opened the door with a smile on her face. She really looked like an angel. "How did I do this to her? How did I manage to ruin her future? Within a few years I had consumed all my property as well as all her dowry. How is she gonna marry without a dowry? What man of noble birth would want to marry her? Oh God what did I do?" Regrets and resentment began to haunt me.
-"Father!" he exclaimed happily. "I didn't expect you so late. How can I help you?"
-"My beautiful daughter I want to talk to you about something very important"
-"Come in father. Would you like anything to drink?" she asked.
-"No, thank you. Please Melina sit with me" I said pointing to the spot next to me on the couch . She sat near me smiling the whole time looking calm and happy. How can I spoil her happiness? I pushed all the bad thoughts out of my mind, took a deep breath and continued.

-"Melina there is something very important I need to tell you"
-"Tell me father. What is it?"
-"You know my daughter, some of my investments that I made recently did not go well at all...."
-"Please father don't worry. I am sure we will recover soon"
-"Unfortunately my dover we won't! We are in a very bad financial situation"
-"Oh....." she exclaimed.
-"And what's worse is that your dowry is gone too. You have nothing. I ......I....... ...I'm really really sorry honey" I said lowering my head in shame. Tears started to fall. I couldn't help myself.
-"I.....I..... don't know say....please father don't cry...I cannot see you like this"
-"We....we lost them all........"I said amid tears.
-"Father I really don't care as long as we love each other. I have you and you have me. Right?"
-"But honey.... how are you supposed to get married without dowry?"
-"You know father I have something to tell you too....I am in love with a man. A noble man. And he loves me too. I am sure that the lack of dowry won't be a problem to him"
-"Who is this man?"
-"It's George, George Andreadakis"
-"Of the Andreadakis family? The...the aristocrats? Are you telling me the truth daughter?" I asked completely surprised. I didn't expect this turn of things!
-"Yes father we have been in love for two years. I know him. He doesn't care about money and properties. He has so much. I don't think he needs my dowry."
-"Are you sure about it my daughter?"
-"I am sure father." she said giving me a wide smile. I smiled her back. Her certainty removed any doubt from me and gave me courage and hope.
-"Then send him a message to come as soon as possible so we can talk"
-" you really mean this father?' she asked excitedly.
-"Yes my beautiful. The sooner the better."
-"He is in a business trip to Athens. He will return on Saturday or Sunday"
-"Ok then I'll wait for his return"
-"Oh my beloved father! How much I love you!!!" she gave me a wide smile and fell into my arms completely happy.

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