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The memory...that came from nowhere but I feel so attached to it..to everything that happened in that memory..

I saw a kid older than me for maybe..  years? Alone sitting down the slide doing nothing. He seems sad...

With that..I went near him and left my friends who were playing with the swing.

I got closer to him but it seems like he didn't notice me and was in deep thoughts...welp It's my duty to make someone happy just like what mommy said!  I Guess it's now or never!

Young Y/n : uhmm, old boy..? Are you okai??

I said innocently and curiously

The kid did not budge even a little nor answered my question...

Aish!! Y/n patience...patience

Y/n : Do you perhaps want to play with me? Or have ice cream??
Young JM : No..leave me alone...
Y/n : oh come on! You look sad and alone here..I just wanna make you smile because my mom taught me to make someone who's sad, happy.
JM : No..I said n-
Y/n : pleaseeee *puppy eyes* atleast can we be friends? I always prayed to have a boy friend, I always have girl friends *sighs*

There was silence for a minute.. I was about to break it when..

JM : Fine.
Y/n : REALLY!?
JM : yes..

I jumped in joy which made him suprised that someone was this excited to become his friend.

In his mind : She's the first one...who's this excited to become my friend...no one ever wanted to become my friend...I bet she'll just leave me when she knows about it..

Young Y/n : What's your name older kid?

He chuckles and responded
Young JM : I am Jaemin..Na..Jaemin *smiles*

Young Y/n : Nice to meet you Jaemin! My name is Y/n, Jung Y/n and I am your newest BESTFRIEND!

I said while being excited

Young Y/n : may I ask you something?
Young JM : Go on..

Young Y/n : why were you sad a while ago? Did something happened? *curious*

Young JM : Uhm...you'll leave me like the others if I told you..
Young Y/n : No I won't! I'll never ever leave a bestfriend behind even in any problem *I smiled widely*

Young Jaemin hesitated for a bit then decided to finally tell her with courage.

Young JM : my father left us...I don't have friends because of that and some..left me....*sad*
Young Y/n : Don't be sad Nana! You have me! From now on..Ill always be here!
Young JM : Nana?
Young Y/n : Yes! Ill call you nana..your name is hard to pronounce *pouts*

Young JM then raffles Young Y/n's hair

Young JM : okay okay, you can call me Nana! But only you get to call me that okay? *smiles* why did you not leave me after knowing...?

Young Y/n : We're just the same Nana...we both don't have fathers now *smiles*
You're father left you and your mother while me...I didn't even grow up with him.
It's fine tho I still have my older cousins and my mother with me!

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