Interrupting the banter, Amy chimed in and revealed more about the group. 

"Lorenzo Zurzolo, the one in the middle, appears to be the epitome of a captivating figure, leaving a trail of fascination wherever he went. His charismatic presence and undeniable charm made it easy to understand why he held such sway over his peers. The combination of his looks, wealth, and bad boy persona only added to the mystique surrounding him, leaving every. single. girl. curious to know more about the so called leader of the F4."

"F4?" Finn questioned, clearly puzzled.

Xochitl clarified, "That's the name of their group, and they are considered the college's superiors. They've been best friends since kindergarten, and they are also skilled poker players who won't hesitate to challenge anyone to a duel."

As the concept of a duel was explained to me, I couldn't help but feel a little anxious about it.

"If you receive a joker card, it means you've been challenged to a duel," Xochitl clarified. "You have to enter their private room and play a game of poker with them. But be warned, no one has ever been able to defeat them."

Finn, always inquisitive, asked, "Why don't people just refuse the challenge?"

Xochitl replied, "If you refuse, there will be consequences, and if you lose the poker game, you'll be punished as well. They once made someone eat a shoe as a punishment, so you definitely don't want to get on their bad side."

The idea of facing off against the F4 in a poker match and the potential consequences left me feeling uneasy. It seemed that challenging them was no small matter and something best avoided to steer clear of any trouble.

Finn and I stood there, processing the information. When the bell rang and we headed to our next class.  


As I walked to the lunch hall with Finn and Xochitl chatting happily beside me, I couldn't shake off thoughts of the f4, especially Louis.

We all settled down at our lunch table after getting our meals, discussing how boring algebra had been. However, the atmosphere suddenly changed when I sensed four shadows approaching us. The lunchroom fell eerily quiet, and my heart started to race as I recognised them from their silhouettes.

I gently turned around, and my fears were confirmed when I found myself face to face with Lorenzo. He knelt down, his gaze piercing into my eyes, and my anxiety grew. I tried to muster some confidence and asked, "What do you want?"

His smirk only added to his allure, and despite my fear, I couldn't help but find him undeniably attractive.

"Something in return," he replied.

I was intrigued by his proposition and couldn't help but question, "Why should I?". His charm only added to my curiosity.

Lorenzo's boastful remark about 'saving me' didn't sit well with me, and I responded with a playful yet dismissive tone, "In your dreams."

Refusing to engage further, I turned my attention back to my food, trying to ignore the mixture of fear and fascination he elicited within me. His mischievous smirk lingered in my mind as I tried to focus on my lunch, but it was hard to shake off the encounter with him.

Lorenzo's pov

I stood there, taken aback by her reaction. It was a stark contrast to what I was used to - she wasn't fawning over me, nor did she want to engage in conversation.

My frustration started to build; I had always gotten exactly what I wanted. In the heat of the moment, I acted impulsively, agitated by her indifference. I grabbed her arm, intending to draw her attention forcefully, but she immediately pulled back, leaving me in shock.

"Leave me alone," she murmured, displaying irritation in her tone. It was clear that everyone around us was watching the scene unfold.

In response, I replied in a flirtatious manner, "Or what?"

However, deep inside, I couldn't deny that her  resistance had rattled me. It was an unfamiliar feeling for me, and I couldn't help but wonder why I was drawn to her, even though she wasn't falling for my usual charm. 

Reader's pov

As I stood there witnessing the scene, my frustration with Lorenzo's behaviour reached its breaking point. Despite finding him exceedingly attractive, I couldn't bear to see him harassing me any longer. With a surge of emotions, I acted on impulse and hurled a glass of water at Lorenzo from our dining table.

The room fell into a tense silence as I stood there, regretful of my actions but also feeling a sense of relief for standing up for myself. However, the weight of the situation overwhelmed me, and I knew I had to get away. I fled from the lunchroom, wanting to be anywhere but there at that moment.

The whispers grew louder, and I could see Lorenzo standing there, frozen and drenched from the water thrown at him. The water clung to his body, causing his shirt to adhere tightly to his skin, revealing his well-defined abs and biceps. I would be lying if I said It wasn't a dramatic scene, and I couldn't help but feel a mixture of regret and a newfound sense of empowerment for finally standing up against his annoying behaviour.

Lorenzo's pov

As I stood there, unable to move, I felt a whirlwind of emotions swirling within me. I desperately wanted to escape from the situation, but it was as if I were frozen in place, unable to process what had just happened. I couldn't believe that I, of all people, had been subjected to such humiliation - having water thrown at me by some girl.

The anger within me intensified, and I stormed off to the restroom, determined to dry myself off and gather my thoughts. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I couldn't shake the feeling of her. 

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