Chapter Nine

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Bit of a short one today, I've been stressing and working through my exam paperworks for what feels like MONTHS now. Was year 12 as bad for anyone else? Because I feel like I'm gonna go bald from the amount of stress everyone's heaping on me.

Anyway, some spellcheckers would be good!


The waves lapped at the shore with a peaceful rhythm, providing Harry a small comfort in his chaotic mind as the wind played with his long half-curled hair, which he'd left down as he had no idea what to do with it.

He hadn't gone to the Great Hall after his shower, still finding himself in the mood to either wring someone's neck or tear down the castle, so he hadn't eaten breakfast. Nor lunch, which it was undoubtedly time for.

Nor was he smart enough to grab himself a jumper or robe. It was positively freezing out here.

"Why didn't you join us?"

Harry didn't turn to face him, not finding the need to look away from one of the two things keeping him calm and sane. "Didn't feel the need to," he replied, ignoring the crunching footsteps leading to the space next to him on the low boulder. "I figured a nice walk out here with the cool air would be better."

"Yes, I myself find shivering, blue lips and most likely freezing fingertips to be far better than food," said Blaise satirically, sitting down gracefully on the cleanest and smoothest part of the rock beside him.

It was silent aside from the waves and the wind, a sort of peacefulness that Harry had only encountered when he was by himself. And then it was ruined by: "Whatever he said to you, just ignore it. He's not that good of a talker."

Harry's lips tightened with tension, making the purple-blue hue pale in the dull light of the grey sun. "I don't know what you're talking about -"

"Oh please, anyone with a pair of eyes and a brain cell can tell that Draco said something to you. It really doesn't take a genius to work it out; you're out here avoiding everyone inside and Draco's inside pestering his mum and dad with the most pitiful face I've ever seen. He's annoying everyone, including Lady and Lord Malfoy, with his childish behavior, " Blaise snorted indelicately, shaking his head.

"And it sort of helps to have a strong sense of smell," he added slyly, brushing his clothed arm against Harry's bare freezing one.

Harry ignored the jab for what it was, and shook his head. "Nothing happened --"

Blaise snorted again, turning his head to stare into the side of Harry's face incredulously. "If getting off on each other is nothing, then I'd hate to see what something is, because that scent was amazingly strong for just rutting against each other."

Harry didn't answer, finding his mouth suddenly too dry to speak. If Blaise had smelt what they'd done, then everyone else would have been able to as well. Including the elder Malfoy's.

And Remus. Poor Remus.

And how did Blaise know that they did nothing else but frot up against each other. As disgustingly embarrassing as thay sounds.

"You don't need to be embarrassed, Potter. It took me a little over an hour to figure out what that scent was, and that was with me concentrating on it. I doubt anyone else could smell it like I could anyway," said Blaise, knocking his shoulder comfortingly into Harry's.

"But if you're truly worried about it, I could always spell it away for you. Or rip the nostrils out of their faces," he added humorously, a charming smile settled across his plump dark lips.

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