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Please, God, not again, he thought to himself grimly, as the humble werewolf shuffled his feet with displeasingly pursed lips.

It was like he had a secret that was just scratching at the surface, begging to come out, and he just didn't know quite how to say it. Wrestling internally over just how to press the button that would inevitably launch the atom bomb on Harry's world.

"Now I know this is not the most... advantageous time to bring this up but I have something important to discuss with you, Harry. You see, I received a letter from Professor Dumbledore earlier," Remus, ever smiling in the telling way that told him whatever followed wouldn't be taken well, began slowly. "It asked me to inform you that you're required to go back to your aunt and uncles for the Summer. I know it must be difficult news for you, given the current state of the war, but this is important for you and your family's safety. I trust that you will consider this when packing your bags. Your family did care for you from the beginning."

Something in the graying werewolf's eyes made Harry's stomach twinge uncomfortably. He didn't have to be a genius to recognise that Remus was laying on the guilt a little too thick, it was an uncanny ability all parental figures managed to use on him with devastating potency after all. And Remus always did it when he was trying to talk Harry into doing something he really didn't want to do - which made it all the more worse because Harry knew they presumed it was for his own good.

Which was exactly the reason for Remus pulling him aside while everyone else trudged on, unknowing of the conversation taking place. Hermione and Ron threw glances at him with varying levels of interest, but he could tell they already knew what Remus was telling him and were merely gauging his reaction.

How big the explosion would be.

Harry sighed heavily and rubbed at the tight knots in his temples, working to ease the stress before it could ruin his already bleak mood entirely. It would be just another shitty thing on his list of shitty problems to complain about.

The biggest pain in his arse that was right at the top of said list? He was back in his tiny box room at the Dursleys, all because he let himself believe whatever load of tripe an "adult" was spoon feeding him.

It used to be so spacious compared to the cupboard under the stairs but now that he was taller and bigger, although sadly not by much, it was drearily tiny. A broom closet not much of a step up from the cupboard. The number of padlocks that multiplied every year flanked his door like a row of mismatched teeth, from the middle of the cat flap to the peeling paint at the topmost squeaky hinge.

It was only fortunate that this year the Dursleys seemed to have grown some semblance of a conscience. Enough to realise that locking anyone up in such a way was not only illegal but highly immoral. Even if it was freaky Harry Potter.

It didn't allow him much freedom, despite their distance and lack of physical punishments. He was bed-bound and left to mull over the events leading to this unfortunate scenario with a fine toothed comb. Boredom will do that to you. Throw every shameful memory in your face the second you finish the little mind-numbing distractions you have.

"I honestly don't care what you have to say about my relatives, Professor. There's no reason for me to ever go near Little Whinging again and Dumbledore can't force me to go back just because he bloody well thinks I should!" he exclaimed, grimacing at even the idea of being within fifty feet of that horrid house with its cookie cutter insanity. "You have no idea what it's like in that place! You can say you do all you like, but you don't. You can't. They hate me just as much as Snape does. Bloody hell, maybe even more! And there is seriously no doubt in my mind that they'd throw me back out as soon as I step foot through that front door. They'll probably have a nice cheery bonfire with all my things, actually. So you see, I can't go back there. I won't."

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