"You disgusting piece of shit, you don't deserve him!" Harry curses, looking down furiously at Ben. Ben's whimpering as he struggles to get up. He's weak, but he manages. 

"Go." Zayn whispers to Ben and Ben limps up and scampers off. 

When Ben's out of sight, Liam and Zayn release Harry who's breathing heavily. I still can't say anything, I'm too stunned to utter a word. Liam's hand latches onto mine, trying to bring me to my senses. He even mumbles my name a few times but when he does, Harry turns round and takes in my suddenly pale complexion. 

"Niall..." He croaks, trying to take my free hand in his but I push both Liam and Harry away. 

"Don't touch me." I mumble, my eyes watering. 

"Ni...the guy's a dick." Harry defends and I glare at him. 

"That "dick" is my manager, Harry. You've just costed me my job!" I snap at him and his eyes widen as he runs a hand through his hair. 

"I hate you, okay? I didn't ask for any of this. You're not my hero. I didn't ask for you save to me when I got kidnapped. I didn't ask for you get me the last time I was drunk, I didn't ask for you to get my that car and I'm certainly not asking you to save me this time. Just leave me alone." My bottom lip quivers as I push past him and start to stumble into the alleyway, with not a clue as to where I'm going. 

"Niall!" Zayn and Liam shout, running after me.  

Liam is fittest so he's first to catch up with me. He pulls at my arm and spins me round, bringing me into his chest and that's when I break down. I'm half crying like a little because of Harry and half crying because I'm so intoxicated and I don't know what to do. 


I wake up in my bed. It feels like forever since I've been here. The curtains are drawn closed and when I roll over, there's two paracetamols and a glass of water on my bedside table. I love Zayn. I gulp them down in two sips and I get up off out my bed and pad along barefoot - in nothing but a pair of briefs. As I creep closer to the door, I hear voices. Arguing, perhaps. 

"You can't see him, he's asleep." I hear Zayn's voice. 

"I just need to know that he's okay -" 

"He's fine, no thanks to you so can you back off?!" Zayn snaps and that's when I step through to the corridor to greet them. 

I clear my throat and they both look up at me. Harry's expression softens into a wide smile and I blush furiously. Despite his aggressiveness and his act-first-think-later attitude, I still have feelings for him. Incredibly so. And they're deep. 

"You're okay." Harry states, matter-of-factly. I scowl at him and his smile fades a little. 

"I don't wanna talk to you." I remark and head into the living room, but I hear his heavy footsteps following after me. I can't help but relaxing into him when he wraps his arms around my waist from behind, resting on my torso. I can feel his muscular chest against my back, his hot breath on my neck. Zayn suddenly clears his throat behind us and I'm aware of everything around me again. I jump with sudden shock and turn round swiftly to slap Harry hard, in the face. He grunts but doesn't even budge. I suppose a slap in the face is nothing compared to a bullet to the head and as much as I want to shoot him right now, it's all I can mutter. Zayn's chuckling behind Harry and I can't help the color rising on my cheeks. I don't know why I'm embarrassed. I should be proud, relieved that I've let all my anger out on Harry but instead, all I'm feeling is shame and idiotic. 

"I guess I deserved that." He mumbles, tearing his gaze away from me. 

"You should go." Zayn says warily. I know he's going to leave because he can't even say he's sorry. Why did he come here, then? Just to check to see if I was okay? Well, I wasn't. But I couldn't let him see that. I couldn't let him see that I was in pain because of him.  

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