
A little more than 3.5 years ago...

"Yes, Dad. I know what you're saying, but they might give me first chair. This is what I've been working towards, you've gotta trust me. Mhmm. Yes, I know," you continued to nod your head even though your father couldn't see you as you balanced your cellphone between your ear and shoulder, using your hands to open the door to your apartment. Soon as the door swung open, a blast of music filled your ears along with cringe worthy singing that made you wish you could tear your ears off. It was so loud, even your father stopped talking.

"Umm..is that—"

"Yes, Dad, it is. Let me call you later so I can see what mess he's created this time, love you," you say before hanging the phone up and sliding it into your pocket. You let out a sigh as you walk towards the kitchen where the unpleasant singing is coming from. You pass a notepad on the dining table. With a glance, you read what's on it, leading you to pick it up and take it with you.

"Dirty babeeeeeee. You see these shackles, Baby I'm your slaveeeeeeee. I'll let you whip me if I misbehaveeeee."

You turned the corner and watched in disbelief as the tall man with unruly spiky black hair danced unrhythmically around the kitchen wearing nothing but an apron and boxers. The apron was the familiar green with the word "stud" stamped on it and a picture of a muffin underneath it. You continued to watch as he worked on whatever his next, most likely inedible, creation was, wishing you hadn't come home so early because no doubt, he would make you try it. He noticed your presence and without skipping a beat he placed the bowl in his hands down on the counter and reached over to you and grabbed your hand before pulling you towards him as he sang both, the main and the chorus parts that came up next in the song. Curse his long limbs.

"Come here girl—go ahead be gone with it. Come to the back—go ahead be gone with it. VIP—go ahead be gone with it. Drinks on me—go ahead be gone with it."

Without being phased, you pulled your hand out of his grasp and instead went around him to see what he was mixing in the bowl.

"You're making cookies, Kuroo. Why?" you ask as you turned around to find the tall moron had his back to you as he sang into a wooden spoon and wildly thrusted his hips with the music.

You went to the source of the music—his phone, and turned it off which quickly caught his attention.

"Oy oy, what didjya do that for?" he scowled at you.

"Why are you making cookies?" you ignore him and question instead.

"I made them for you," he gleamed back with a tilt of his head, eyes closed and a giant grin.

"What do you want?"

"I'm offended. I don't resort to such cheap tactics when I want something," he huffed, crossing his arms.

"Kuroo, who are you fooling?" you retort, rolling your eyes as you grab a spoon and stick it into the cookie dough, scooping out a portion that seems to have extra chocolate chips and plopping it into your mouth.

"Stop doing things that clearly keep showing you lack docosahexaenoic acid. Are you trying to get salmonella?"

"Me!? Have you looked at yourself in the mirror? Why are you dressed that way? You look ridiculously, ridiculous, you dumb nerd."

"I'm always so kind to you, and this is how you treat me."

"Yea, yea. Back to the point, what do you want? Depending on what it is, these cookies might not cut it."

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