chapter 48

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Eva's pov:
i was basically riding anna's thigh as we made out

"what time is it?" anna asked pulling away a little

i grabbed my phone and checked the time

"oh shit we should start going back we got like 10 minutes" i said sitting up

"wait" anna said pulling me back down into one last sloppy kiss

she pulled away and wiped her mouth

i smiled and went back to the front

-time skip to after school-

Anna pov:

i know i say this a lot but eva is literally so sexy, she's the best person i could ever ask for

eva's at home rn doing homework i was gonna go hang out with her but she can't fail the last week of school so i stayed home

rn i'm just looking at affordable apartments around LA

there aren't a lot that are in our budget

a while ago both me and eva decided to take a gap year and just do all the shit we want to do

my mom was upstairs with benny, i could hear them giggling

"MOMMM" i yelled from downstairs

i heard both of them run down the stairs

"what?" my mom asked

"what do you think of this one?" i asked showing her my computer

i showed her a 1 bedroom apartment for $2599 a month

"oooh how far is it?" she asked

"like 10 minutes" i said smiling

"what's 10 minutes?" benny asked

i never told him that i was moving out, i guess i just thought he'd be gone by now

"annas moving out soon and she might live only 10 minutes away" my mom said putting benny on her lap

he looked up at me with the saddest eyes "you're leaving!!!" he said on the verge of tears

"i'll only be a couple minutes away and i'll visit any time you'd like" i said tearing up

he got off my moms lap and got onto mine

he hugged me tightly while tears flowed down his face

"don't cry i'm not leaving yet" i said wiping his tears

"you can come over anytime too, we'll still hang out a lot" i said laughing

i smiled softly and just sat in my lap

"are you gonna tour this place?" my mom asked

"idk i have to ask eva about it first" i said picking up my phone

i facetimed eva and she picked up instantly

"you doing you're homework?" i asked

"yes" she said while shaking her head no

"well i found an apartment" i said rolling my eyes

"lemme see" she said excitedly

i flipped the camera and showed her all the pictures

she seemed to like it very much so i made an appointment to tour it

i let benny take the phone and talk to eva for a little bit while i schedule everything

i grabbed my phone from him and eva was still on facetime

"you free saturday?" i asked

Eva's pov:

it's now saturday and anna's on her way to pick me up so we can tour the apartment

im scared

i feel like everything is moving so fast, it feels like yesterday i met anna

now we're moving in together, i'm not saying i don't want to it's just going very fast

plus im completely done with high school in 5 days, that's the part that scares me the most

all i could think about was all the memories i had in high school

all the different friends, all the teachers, the good and bad memories all came flooding back

4 years of high school went by so quickly, where'd all the time go

i zoned out just thinking about life and i heard a honk from outside

i grabbed my phone and rushed downstairs

the second i stepped outside i seemed to calm down

the weather was beautiful, it was cool outside and the air was still but not too still

she honked again not noticing i was outside

i slowly walked to her car and got in

"what took so lo-" she stopped mid sentence when she looked at me "you okay?" she asked

i was confused on why she thought i wasn't

"im fine" i said

it was silent the whole ride, no music, no talking, it was an uncomfortable silence

and still all i could think about was the fast pace life was going at

i would look at anna every once in a while and she looked like she was thinking about something too

"what're you thinking about?" i asked

she looked at me with a long face "i don't know" she said looking back at the road

it's almost as if both of our hearts dropped at that moment, we had no idea what was happening

anna parked next to a tall building next to a park

we both got out still not saying a word

a lady with brown hair and hazel green eyes shook anna's hand and started walking into the building

i followed them slowly

Anna's pov:

what the fuck

i don't know why but the car ride was very awkward, we spoke very little and every time we spoke i felt like my heart sank with every word

i don't know what's happening

we toured the apartment and it had a beautiful view, i was going to ask eva how she felt about it but words wouldn't come out

we started driving back in silence

"what did you think?" i asked as my voice cracked

"the view was beautiful, do you like it?" she asked

"i loved it" i said

"wanna come back to my place?" she asked

i was surprised she asked that, i don't know what to say

"uh sure" i said

i hated this, what the fuck is happening right now, it's so unsettling

i heard eva sniffle and i looked over quickly

there were tears running down her face as she looked out the window

i just pretended i didn't notice which probably wasn't the best idea


evanna: our loveМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя