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At night performances were held. I had somehow ended up sitting between Jinu and Seojun. They had seem to stop looking at each other in front of me. That's right! Fear me!

Cho rong and his friends had performed. Also the girls from our class had danced. It was really fun. If I hadn't came, I would've missed this great time. "I heard Saebom school has a celebrity. Apparently, one student used to be a K-pop trainee. Where are you?" the MC asked in the mic.

Everyone started to point at Seojun "here" I also pointed at him and screamed. "So the rumour is true" the MC said. "Seriously?" Seojun glared at Cho rong. "What else can we do to bring him up on the stage?" The MC said making everyone scream more.

"You told him, didn't you?" Seojun accused Cho rong. Of course, he did. He has a big mouth. "Come on, you are a great singer so sing us a song" Cho rong whined. "Yeah, go on. I never heard you sing before" I spoke up. Seojun looked at me "you want to hear me sing?" I nodded. "Then give me something in return" he said.

I rolled my eyes "okay, I will" I said. He nodded and got up to go on the stage. After fixing the mic and testing the guitar Seojun's performance started. He sang "To you my light". He indeed is a great singer.

While Seojun was singing I saw Soojin coming and sat beside Suho. She was wearing Suho's cap. I saw Jukyung watching them and then getting up leaving the place. Suho did the same thing after some moments. Then I saw Soojin also getting up. Did something happen?

Then the mc said something I didn't expect to hear. "I heard that there is another awesome singer here" the mc said and immediately all the heads turned in my direction.

"I would've performed but I am a bit sick today. Sorry" I said. "It's okay. We understand" then he moved on to the next matter.

I stood up "where are you going?" Jinu said grabbing my wrist. "For a walk. Want to come?" I said, he nodded and stood up as well. We talked in silence for something without saying anything. Silence with him was not painful, it was comforting. Because I knew, he will always be there for me.

"Remember the time I punched a girl because she was trying to flirt with you even when you weren't interested" I spoke up, smiling at the memory. "Yeah, you broke her nose with a single punch. After that no one dared to flirt with me again" he said laughing.

"Good old days" I sighed loudly. "Don't make it sound like we are old" he narrowed his eyes at me. "Remember the time we promised each other to tell who we like or date because we almost got in to a fight because of your date?" I said making him nod. "I need to tell you something" I said with a straight, serious face.

"Don't give me that look. It's scary" he said but I still didn't change my expression. "I like someone" I said. I could see changes of emotions in his eyes. "Who?" He had this calm posture now which scared me. "Is it Seojun?" He said before I could reply. I nodded my head "it is".

"You like him?" He asked, I saw hurt in his eyes. "Yes, I like him" I said. Something about Jinu's eyes doesn't feel right. I have never seen his eyes like that. I thought he was going to yell or something but he actually smiled widely "I am happy for you. Finally you found someone" but his smile wasn't real. Not the smile he always gives me.

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