T-Rex Evans-Potter?

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"Who knew childbirth took so long." Dorcas groaned from the chair next to Remus. They had all been seated in the waiting room of the hospital, waiting for the baby to be born. They still didn't know the gender but James was still convinced they'd be naming the kid T-Rex but Lily would never allow that.

"Me. James took forever to come out, and I don't mean from the closet." Euphemia sighed from the opposite seats from them. Fleamont smiled a bit and nodded, thinking back to James' birth.

"Labor was nearly 21 hours." Fleamont told them. Marlene sighed while bouncing baby Neville up and down on her knees. Alice and Frank couldn't make it but they had left Neville with Marlene.

"What if James dies in the pregnancy and Lily dies of heartbreak and I had to look after the baby?" Sirius said, staring at the floor in concern. 

"Why have you already decided you're going to be the godparent?" Peter scoffed, offendedly. "And why are you suggesting their death?" 

Sirius rolled her eyes, looking at Peter. "I'm obviously going to be godparent, Peter. You disappeared for like, what? A year or two and now you want to be the godparent." 

This resulted in Peter and Sirius arguing over who was going to be godparent. Remus rolled his eyes and looked at Dorcas who shrugged. He looked at Kayde and Tobi and they shrugged too. 

"Everyone is helpless." Remus sighed to himself, laying his head on Dorcas' shoulder. "What gender do you reckon?" 

"Probably a boy. You have been manifesting it." Dorcas smirked at Remus. Remus shrugged, looking at the two that were still arguing, not over the godparent thing but over who James was closest to in school.

Nova was yawning overdramatically to shut the two up. When they did not shut up but got louder, Nova lay back in her chair, boredly and looked at Remus. "They're such idiots." She mouthed to him. Remus nodded, agreeing with the statement.

Lily edged her way out of the delivery room with a wide smile on her face. Probably the happiest she's ever been. Euphemia smiled up at her and stood, engulfing Lily into a hug.

"It's a girl!" Lily excitedly said after Euphemia pulled away from her. Sirius looked over at Lily and broke into a grin. Peter did too. At least the argument had stopped. Marlene let out an audible noise of happiness. 

"We named her Alora." 

Multiple sighs of reliefs were let out, the loudest from Fleamont, clearing not wanting a grandchild called T-Rex. Lily's gaze found Sirius.

"And Sirius is the godparent." 

"Yes! I told you Peter!" Sirius dragged Lily into her arms, flipping Peter off. Peter rolled their eyes and flipped her off too. 

First, Sirius, Remus, Euphemia and Fleamont went to see James and meet Alora. Remus only came in because Euphemia insisted xe was family.

"Remus. Never ever get pregnant for Sirius. Or for yourself. Adopt. Please. I'm begging you. It felt like a really bad shit that was coming from my vagina. It felt like I was pissing cement instead of liquid." James whispered to James as Euphemia was fussing with Alora. 

Remus giggled. "I'm glad you and the baby are okay. And I'm glad you didn't name the child T-Rex. And I'm glad that I get to be partially the godfather. But I'm not really glad that Sirius is the go to person for babysitting." 

James smiled at Remus. "I'm glad you're glad." Remus leaned over to hug James. Sirius sat down next to Remus with Alora after Remus had hugged James. Sirius was gazing down at her with such love. Remus smiled at Sirius, kissing her cheek. 

"Want to hold her?" Sirius asked, moving the baby up slightly. Remus shook his head. Sirius stood and handed Alora to James, who sat up and took her. 

"What did you want? A girl or a boy?" Remus asked. Lily and James didn't want to know the gender until the baby was right in front of them. James said it was because he liked the mystery.

"Both. I was hoping for twins but I knew it was unlikely. One girl and one boy." James told them, laying Alora's head on his head and supported her up. Lily moved around him and pushed his pillows up so it would hold him up. 

"Cool. Remus was convinced that his manifestations of it being a boy were working." Sirius grinned and Remus rolled his eyes. 

"Sirius, you literally asked me if it was an alien and James wasn't actually pregnant, eggs were planted into his stomach by aliens and he'd have to raise them." Remus shot a glare at Sirius and Sirius went silent.

"Yeah, now that you say it, it sounds stupid."

"You think?" Remus scoffed, shaking his head. 

Once everyone had met Alora and made it perfectly clear to her that they were going to be the favourite uncle/aunt or non-relative relative, they left. Lily and James were left alone with Alora. The little Evans-Potter family.

"Who do you think she looks more like?" James asked a nurse who came to check up on him and Alora. The nurse looked between Lily, James and Alora and let out a breath. 

"I think she definitely has your eyes-" The Nurse looked at Lily and then looked at James. "But overall, she looks mostly like you." 

James felt his stomach become warm and he smiled at The Nurse. She finished taking vitals and other information James did not care for and left, leaving James to turn to Lily with a wide smile.

"Have I ever told you that normally in my family the kids look more like their dad always? I feel like that's the most validation from the world I've ever gotten from being transgender. It's always the eyes with the mum." 

Lily smiled at James and kissed his head. "C'mon, lay down, I'll put Alora to bed. You need some rest." 

James nodded, letting Lily take Alora to the hospital baby bed in the corner. She walked back over to the bed and got into the bed with James. 

"I love you. So so much. And I'm so proud of you." Lily whispered to him, turning the light switches off that were next to the bed. James smiled and snuggled to Lily close. 

"I love you too. And I'm proud of you too. You helped so much today, you made me believe that I'd be a good dad. Thank you." 

They both fell asleep with smiles on their faces.

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