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I quietly walked around camp looking for nick, I didn't see him so far so I kept looking. "nick" I whisper. I suddenly hear a twig snap from behind me, I turn around quickly. But there was no one to be seen. Only darkness and the camp nightwing sign.

I got closer to the cabin I was near and looked around the front of it peaking head from around the edge of the small cabin. I saw a figure running towards the science and nature cabin. I started to follow them towards the cabin.

I grabbed my knife from my pocket just incase. They walked into the cabin and closed the door behind them. I ran over to the cabin and looked into the small window.

I didn't see anyone. Only a small light coming from one of the lamps in the corner of the room. I walked towards the door and opened the door and walked in. I looked around and there was so no one to be seen.

I walked around the tables examining every part of the room to see if someone was here, there wasn't. "nick?" I called out but there was no answer. "Tommy, Sheila, Kurt? Anyone?" I called out but their was still no reply, just silence at the sound of bugs and the snake moving around and hissing. "god I despise snakes" I say to myself crouching down and looking into the snakes home.

I stand back up and get kicked down onto the floor. I turn onto my back and see nick standing over me with a broken glass bottle. "nick" I say hiding my knife behind my back. "well, well, well if it isn't the bitch who thinks she can kill me" nick said still standing over me. "what are you gonna do, huh? Your a woman y/n! Give it a break, you can't kill me, but I can tell you one thing" he started. "I can definitely kill you" he said holding up the broken bottle and lowering it to my torso. I grab his wrist and try push it away from me. "fuck" I say under my breath. "they're gonna give me a fucking medal, and your gonna get famous, newest peice of shit makes the front page" he said. "they police are going to be here soon. If you don't believe me just wait!" I say.

"yeah sure, but you and your little friends will be fucking dead before they come" he said. My grip on the bottle got loose and he stabbed me in the hip. It bearly went deep tho. I reached behind my back and grabbed my knife. I pushing nick over onto the floor me now hovering over him holding my knife against his chest. His hand preventing me from stabbing him.

"just give up y/n, because if you do kill me no one will believe you and then everyone will think of you as another shittysider gone mad" he stated. Rage built up inside of me and I started pushing the knife harder. His grip loosened on the knife making me be able to stab his shoulder. "FUCK!" he grunted while holding his shoulder. He lifts up his hand trying to hit me but I grab his wrist and lift up my hand with the knife and stab his palm. "this won't kill me y/n, you'll have to try again bitch" I says. "oh yeah? Well fucking beat this" I say while lifting up the knife and stabbing his neck twice.

He starts choking and coughing up blood all over me. I get off him and stab him in the hip like he did to me. "have fun in hell" I say and stand up and walk out and run to the mess Hall. I'm covered in nicks blood and there's still blood coming out of my hip but that can easily be stitched up.

I run into the mess hall to see Alice and ziggy sitting at one of the benched and Cindy on the phone. "she's back, Holy shit she's alive but she's covered in blood" Cindy said to who ever was on the phone. "y/n.." ziggy said while standing up and walking over to me. "zig omg your okay!" I say while walking over to her holding my hip. "are you okay?! Did you do it?" ziggy asked while holding my hand. "yeah I'm okay, just a little cut on my hip. And yeah, yeah I did do it. I think, I hope" I say while holding up the bloody knife I stabbed nick with.

"okay thank you so much officer Parker" Cindy said while putting down the phone. "Holy fuck y/n" Alice said. "Holy fuck indeed" Cindy said. "jesus that's alot of blood did you kill him?" Cindy asked. "yeah I did kill that son of a bitch, and I've got to admit. It was fucking fun" I said. "I'm curious, how did you kill him?" Alice asked. "well first he stabbed me in the hip and then I got on top of him and stabbed him in the shoulder and then I stabbed him in the hand and then I stabbed him in the neck twice and to finish it all off I stabbed him in the chest" I said. "oh shit you went crazy, that's hot" ziggy said. "it's over. Holy fuck it's over" Alice said. "oh my god your right! You did it. You saved shadyside y/n" ziggy said. "we did it, I wouldn't have killed him without your guys help"i said. Cindy ran over and hugged me, folowed along by cindy and Alice." I love you guys"i said. "I love you too" they all said in unison.



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