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Silence. Not a word has been given voice to since his promise. Even if I said something, I doubt it would reach him. Sound can't travel infinitely without dying out, and the distance between us is immense. No matter how loud I yell, I'll only hear my own echo.

I could take one step sideways and I'd be touching him, but a wall between our hearts has us seperated. The heavy air pressing on my shoulders is keeping me in place.

Why? What has started this, and how do we end it? Is it because I asked too much, because I refuse to tell him anything, because I confessed, because I forced him to make a weird promise? How far do I have to go back in time, in order to change the situation we are currently in?

Iwaizumi opens the door and walks in without looking back. I close it behind me, my gaze glued to the floor.

"Here." Finally, he brings out something, although it is not directed at me. It does make my nerves spike, though.

"Thanks." Mattsun doesn't notice anything yet. "What is it?"

"Protein shake," the other answers softly, shortly. "My favourite one."

"Really? Ah, that's great. You're a... hero...?" It seems our friend is becoming aware of the awkward situation.

I sigh. "Matsu, let's go." As quick as possible, I take my make-up out of the bag I'm carrying. Without any kind of explanation, I grab my stuff and walk to the front door.

He doesn't ask any questions (yet), and quietly follows me. "Bye, Iwa," he says shortly as we go out. The third boy does not return his words of valediction.

As expected, my friend starts whispering to me as soon as I close the door. "So... What happened?"

"I don't know...?" My answer is honest, but I am avoiding what he truly wants to hear. "I'm not sure where it started."

"Then tell me everything." Mattsun opens the yellowish bottle Iwa gave him.

"We've been awkward like this for weeks," I frown. "How am I supposed to go over all of it?"

"I'm talking about today. You don't think that I haven't noticed your weird behaviour at all, did you? It has been weeks, indeed."

"Of course we're weird today," I huff, "you shouldn't be surprised by that."

The dark-haired boy sighs, takes a swig from his protein drink, and then pierces through my act with his gaze. "Stop running from it already."

He might yell at me, or maybe he will be understanding and console me. Whatever the case, he won't let me get away. And I'm not Iwa, so I can't change topics as quick, or turn things around and make it about someone else.

"We were walking to the store, and I was asking him about the things he did. Like, why he did them, and, you know..." I take a deep breath. "But he wouldn't say anything, and by the time I had cornered him, we arrived."

Mattsun hums. "And?"

"And for a second, we were able to act like normal friends. I'm not sure how it happened. It came so naturally. But I just had to ruin it..."

The other balances to my side for a bit, bumping into me softly. "How?"

"I confessed."

"Wha--?" he starts choking on his drink, coughing loudly.

Silently, I stop walking and carefully hit his back, waiting for his ability to breathe to return. It takes a while, but in the end, he is able to calm down. Kind of.

"You what?"

"I told him that I love him, I guess..."

My face turns red as my friend stares at me, stupefied. "You said those three words? You didn't say it in some stupid, vague way?"

Please Don't Hit Zero ~ IwaOiWhere stories live. Discover now