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and just like that she stole him , he didn't even know her , it was a feeling that made him mad , how can he let a girl take that much control over him and what he did , he promised himself he wouldn't let anyone do that , not even the prettiest girl but he underestimated how pretty she'd be...

and he took her , almost the same way she took him , he was the kind of boy everyone warned each other about , the ones that ripped you apart slowly , with every argument or altercation but the good moments where everything was quiet and calm were the best ones, the moments where you can hold the boy everyone called a monster and look down at a different person, a soft person who turned out to not be a monster..

" you know what maybe we shouldn't go to anymore parties" bella said as she sat on poems floor in front of her mirror , doing her makeup..
it was the next morning although they were hungover and tired , they got ready for work and recapped on the night before..

"i'm not sure.." poem said not really paying attention to what bella was saying , she sat on her bed staring into her wall , thinking.

she didn't know what fuckshit was saying nor what he was thinking , he seemed angry to help her , did she do something?

"you could have gotten raped or something if it wasn't for
fuckhead, you have to thank him poem"

poem nodded slowly , "i will."

motors was empty.. the boys sat on the couch playing with their fingers and fuckshit smoked a blunt , today he aggressively did everything .

he aggressively breathed and walked , he slammed things down instead of placing them down like he usually would, he didn't beg ray to do something, he sat back , staring at nothing , puffing on his blunt and occasionally sighing to himself but ray knew exactly what was happening..



"bro we gotta skate or something"


"yes bro , get that girl out of your head."

"what girl ray?"


ruben sat up widening his eyes , he smirked and lighty shoved fuckshit , "oohhh fuckshit has a crush on the boy girl thing?"

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