1 - Meet the parent

Start from the beginning

'Mother, there's someone I'd like you to meet,' Draco says, grabbing her hand and leading her towards me. 'This is Chastity.'

There is a moment of hesitation as though Narcissa is waiting for him to introduce me further. But he says no more, allowing her instead to lead to her own conclusion as to who I am to her son.

'It's lovely to meet you, Mrs Malfoy,' I quickly say, saving the situation as I step forward to hold out a hand, 'I believe you know my brother, Theo.'

Her face instantly lights up at the mention of my brother's name. 'Oh, Theodore... of course!' She ignores my hand and envelopes me in a hug. 'Oh, my darling, I am so sorry for what happened to your parents. And please do call me Narcissa.'

She feels so delicate and smells pleasantly of flowers. I find myself hugging her back, burying my face in her hair as my fingers clasp the silk robes at her back. I hold onto her as I would hold onto my own mother, and almost instantly, a lump forms in my throat and tears spring to my eyes, and I feel absolutely mortified that I am crying.

'Darling, my darling,' Narcissa soothes as I weep quietly against her. She kisses my hair and strokes my back. 'I should have reached out to you sooner. To both you and Theodore.'

'It's ok,' I whisper, even though it's not.

I let go of her and wipe my eyes on my sleeves just as Draco steps up beside me and lightly touches a hand to the small of my back.

'We were wondering, Mother,' he says delicately before pausing to lightly cough, 'if Chastity could stay here for the holidays? She has had a falling out with Theo, you see, and-'

'Of course,' Narcissa interrupts at once, 'I'll get Moorey to make up one of the guest suites for you.'

'Moorey?' Draco frowns.

Narcissa grimaces. 'The house elf agency sent him. He's old and senile and doesn't get much done. But he's the only one left willing to work for us. I'm sure if I ask him now, though, we'll have you a room set up before nightfall.'

'Thank you, Narcissa,' I whisper just as Draco says, 'There will be no need, Mother. She can stay with me in my room.'

Narcissa looks from him to me, a startled expression on her face. 'Oh?'

Draco's hand slides from my back and curls around my waist, pointedly pulling me to his side. 'Chastity and I are... together,' he explains awkwardly. 'So, as I said, she can stay with me in my room.'

My face grows hot and I look down at the floor in embarrassment. Narcissa clearly notices this as she hesitates and says, 'Well, all the same, I'll have Moorey fix one up anyway.'

An awkward silence ensues as the three of us stand in the hallway. Draco coughs.

'There was one more thing, Mother,' he says, tightening his arm around me. 'It's Theo. I promised Chastity that I would ask if you could look in on him. As I said, there was a falling out and-'

'I shall go immediately,' she says, clicking her fingers in the air. 'I don't care what they say, you poor children should have never been left to fend for yourselves. I blame myself entirely for not doing anything sooner, but after Lucius' sentencing, I have not been myself.'

Suddenly an ugly old house elf appears out of thin air, looking very much like wrinkled foreskin. Both Draco and I recoil in disgust.

'Moorey, fetch me my travelling cloak,' Narcissa orders, not looking in the least bit perturbed by this unsightly creature. 'And then proceed to make up the Cherry Tree guest suite for Miss Nott - do not forget the pillow mints.'

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