"How many times to you have to hurt him? Until you tell us you don't like him?" Delta asks, watching sakuras wavering conflicted emotions. "His my fucking brother, you don't like it when people hurt sukuna why would I like it when you hurt him?" Delta adds, pushing sakura aback, "you always ruin shit for me, I'm not a kid, im not that kid you saw anymore." Delta sighs, walking away and leaving the room. The rest wait in fear at sakuras reaction, which is her just sitting down at alphas desk, staying quiet. Ryu pauses, and decides to let Daniel go, who stands up but doesn't do anything, guessing it's to dangerous to do so.

"The timing, sakura and delta have a amazing test today, this time you get to watch how they fight." Ryu snickers slightly, gesturing to the group to leave. "I'll stay with alpha, sukuna you can't leave Daniel alone so run along now." Ryu adds, as sakura leads the way, in cold silence. Daniel follows just behind sukuna, whilst alpha hides in th blanket watching them leave.

Like normal, the group don't say a word to each other, catching the attention of other people, some walking past and staring, others changing their route entirely. Must be a saiko thing. Daniel mutters, as sakura walks into a doorway, as sukuna points to one besides it. "We have to go in there, it's a viewing room." Sukuna explains, as daniel nods, opening the door, using his id, questioning why some rooms don't need it, but doesn't ask, walking up a set of stairs, with sukuna just behind him. Opening another room, two scientists stand there looking at the duo.

"Ah! Mr saiko, it's a honour to met you at last!" One exclaims, as sukuna nods, accepting his handshake, whilst daniel looks at them both and knows it's just a formal tension. I doubt that, probably because we're being watched . Daniel tells himself, knowing the killers and scientists don't have any kind of friendship or care for each other. "Any reason to why you will watch these two today? I heard your sister had killed a level 1 yesterday." The scientist asks, pushing a file away before typing onto a computer, however the other one just stands against the wall, watching Daniel in intrigue.

"She did, due to them attacking delta sir." Sukuna repiles, his normal tone replaced by a much harsher almost empty tone, letting daniel remember his first meeting with sukuna, having him use it around anyone that isn't the group. The scientist who types away chuckles, in a slightly anxious manner. Must be terrrifed, it's sukuna afterall. Daniel shakes his head, understanding that feeling completely.

"So your pet, he's a newbie right?" The other one asks standing up, throwing something into the bin, as sukuna nods, making the scientist smirk and clap his hands. "Well, he should be grateful, watching these two practice. It's almost impossible to be granted access." They add, before leaning over the desk, opening the shutters as sukuna glances down at the other room, gesturing Daniel to do the same, as he spots sakura leaning against the wall, her eyes closed with her arms crossed. "This is where the fun begins." The one who was leaning against the wall says, opening a small door against the wall, catching Daniels fear, spotting a group of normal people stagger in.

"Ah! The new ones don't get told, those are merely fugitives, or criminals on death row, you don't have to worry about them. Now, you want woodlands or storage facility?" The more upbeat one asks, glancing at daniel who pauses and looks at them with anxiety.

"U-uh woodlands?" He blurts, as both the scientists laugh slightly, making the room shift around, making daniel watch in awe, as it becomes a vastly spaced out wooded area, roughly twice the size of the original room. Sukuna doesn't even seem fussed, looking away as the scientists smirk and close the doors, making the group of people look around in fear and anxiety.

"Let the show begin!" The scientists say in union, gesturing to the walls where a set of cameras are. "You choose the best one for zeta!" One says, whilst daniel looks at the cameras, unsure of how to feel about this.


Sakura sighs, brushing herself down. "I liked this outfit too." She mutters, pushing a hood up, followed by a small mask too hide her mouth and nose, before she starts walking without a care. Tredding quietly sakura glances around, watching any motion in her line of sight. "So about five this time, must be running low again." She mutters, leaning down, and staying still, aware that her height gives away where she is easily. The sound of running catches her attention, swiftly turning around, sakura walks slowly towards the running, keeping her steps small and as quiet as possible, making next to no sound, their not even trying to stay quiet, must be shitting themselves. Sakura wonders, pausing as the footsteps stop, followed by a small yell, giving her the idea that two are arguing. Taking this as a advantage, she stalks the noise with ease, tredding lightly, before climbing up a sturdy enough tree, spotting two easy, bright orange clothing, guess they didn't even bother this time. Sakuras rolls her eyes in boredom, personally hating when their this easy to spot.

"We're screwed don't you get it!? Why is there even a point in trying?" One yells, waving his arms around, as the other stands there, sighing, but keeping his eye on the surroundings. "What if they've used us for one of those really strong ones?" The stranger adds, leaning down and picking up a small rock. The more scared stranger looks at them with confusion.

"They won't have, our skills are weak, it's probably just a small level 1." They stutter, hoping it is the case, as they step back, cuddling themselves, in fear, whilst the other one grumbles and tosses the rock down, leaving the other shocked. "Shouldn't we stay as quiet as possible?" They suggest, as the other stranger sighs again, even more annoyed.

"Shut up then, you'll die first anyways, look at you." They insult, pushing the much more frail person down, "you don't even have a chance if it was a level 1." They add, walking away. The stranger sits down, knowing they aren't lying, as sakura watches carefully, almost curious.

No teams this time, this makes it too easy, something isn't right. Sakura pauses, sitting against the tree on a branch, glancing at the one who remains on the floor, unsure of what to do. I'm not karma, so this is different. She adds, knowing they prefer to use people who won't team with delta. So she sits there, before something comes to mind, making her jump down suddenly, grabbing the strangers neck and pushing them down.

The stranger doesn't even flinch, as sakura widens her eyes in shock, jumping aback as the stranger gets up, looking at sakura as she steps aback. "Guess you figured it out." They spit, as sakura braces herself, whilst the stranger laughs and looks at her. "Always the smart one aren't you? Maybe I'll get bumped up if I killed you." They add, glancing at their hand as a sharp spike like object comes out of their hand, of course they have that. Sakura curses, as the stranger looks back at her. "Lets go then saiko." They taunt, running towards sakura before changing their direction, swiftly rushing to her side, catching her off guard enough to land a blow against her arm, using the spike to trap her arm into a tree next to her, disloging the spike from their hand.

Sakura doesn't even react, making them pause, as she just snickers, taking her arm out as they step back in shock. "Aw, you got yourself all pumped up with confidence." She smiles, walking to the stranger, as they try to move but finds themselves stuck. Looking down, they spot something around their legs, as sakura pushes their head back up, watching their confidence face away and get replaced by fear. "But it was a waste wasn't it? Level 3 I presume, i feel flattered for your kind to fight me, especially since there's so few of you left." She adds, still keeping a grip on them. "Hm, how should I kill you? My brother is watching. Ah! Here we go." She mutters, grabbing the spike they used, ramming it into their neck, before swiftly moving it to send their head down, with the body not far behind.

Sakura leaves the body behind, before turning at the window, spotting Daniel and sukuna watching. She just waves and walks away.

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