Chapter 6-Debut of 'Dekiru', New powers.....or old??

Start from the beginning

Izuku just sighed and hugged them to calm them down.

Izuku-"You didn't let me complete, Pyrrha. I was saying that yes, I used to do that until I found something else to use as and escape."


Izuku-(sweatdropping)" NO! Umm, its actually music"


Izuku-"I found about it when I was 6. I had woken up from another nightmare and was going to cut myself to stop hearing the voices when my eyes went towards my pc. I then thought of looking up for some self defense moves when I mistakenly open this music. I first was going to close it but then when I started hearing it, I couldn't stop myself from listening and eventually fell asleep without getting a nightmare. From then onwards I always listen to music and I also sing to calm myself."

Pyrrha-"That's good. You at least now don't cut yourself anymore, do you?"

Izuku-"Nope, not needed anymore and don't need to worry about the scars. They are healed up."

Blake-"Can you sing us a song?"

Izuku-(nervously)"U-Um, a-aren't you two h-hungry?"

Pyrrha-"We are, but we will eat after we hear your voice"

Izuku-"O-Ok then, let me remember a song I can sing now. I will only sing the first few lines."


Izuku cleared his throat a bit, closed his eyes and then started.

(Natewanttobattle-Odd future)
"Everything is like dust escaping me
 Living in the darkest history
 Every single excuse I've ever made
 I know that I just gotta learn to throw them away
 Maybe I can find a way to escape the lies
 Have I only seen the world through blurry eyes
 I found the path to clarity
 And now I'm feeling alive"

He opened his eyes to see the two girls staring at him wide-eyed.

Blake-"THAT'S SO GOOD! YOUR VOICE IS SOO GOOD! I didn't knew you could sing english song so well!"

Izuku-(scratching his chin)"T-Thanks!"

Pyrrha-"But I don't think I have ever heard this song before. What's the name?"

Izuku-"Oh, I actually came up with this song. I actually just sang my english version of it while the original is japanese. I name this Odd Future."

Pyrrha-(wide eyed)"You came up with this yourself?"

Izuku-"Yup, anyway now guys go and wait at the dining table while I prepare the dinner."

Blake-"Wait, dinner?"

Izuku-"Yup, today you guys slept the whole day and also I am very tired so we should sleep fast today. We will start your japanese learning from tomorrow."


Blake-"What's the dish you're gonna make?"

Izuku-"Oh, I am gonna make my favourite dish Katsudon or for you guys, Pork cutlet bowls. Except for you because I need to make the fish."


Pyrrha-"I don't think I have ever eaten pork cutlet bowl before."

Izuku-"First time for everything"

He smiled, then put on his apron and went to the kitchen to prepare the food while the two girls waited at the table. Few minutes later Izuku made the food and served them. Pyrrha had the normal Katsudon while Blake had pork also with hilsa fish, a fish very famous in India. Safe to say both the girls passed out after eating such delicacies and had smiles on their faces while they slept. Izuku laid them on their bed and went towards his own.

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