Stage Five: Acceptance

Start from the beginning

"Well, Lily. You know you have us. Your friends, teachers – well some of them at least. Maybe you don't feel like pouring out your emotions to Professor McGonagall, say, but I'm always here, and so is Harry."

Ginny paused, but then decided to take a chance.

"And James."

Lily's head snapped up from her cup of tea. "What, Potter?"

Ginny ignored her negative reaction and nodded.

"He really cares about you, you know, Lily. Stop pushing him away, and you might be surprised."

Lily could hardly believe that she was taking advice on her love life from a teacher.

She went a little red.

"I think I'll go back to class now." Lily said hastily. Ginny knew she wasn't ready to back yet, but if she was anything like her son, it would be pointless trying to dissuade her.

"If you're sure." she said gently, letting Lily stand up, and put her full mug of tea down. She walked down the corridor so fast that Ginny had to jog to keep up with her.


"What was that all about?" asked Harry softly, as the students left the room, Lily's friends running up to her, demanding to know what the matter was.

"Her parents were killed by Death Eaters."

A look of genuine sadness crossed Harry's face, and for the first time, Ginny realized that they had been Harry's grandparents.

"I'm sorry."

Harry shrugged. "It's Lily I'm sorry for. At least I grew up knowing my parents were dead. She just got it like a punch in the stomach."

"I dropped in a few not so subtle hints about James."

Harry looked disbelieving that anyone could be insensitive enough to talk about that right then, but then sighed, realizing that Ginny could. "Better now than never, I suppose." he said resignedly. "I'm beginning to get scared that they aren't going to get together. And I think it would be frankly perverted to try to set up your parents."

Ginny nodded in agreement. "We'd better just let fate take its natural course. And occasionally give it a swift kick in the arse if it doesn't move along fast enough.

"Excellent idea. Now who's next?"

"Ravenclaw first years," said Ginny gloomily.


The class walked in excitedly, desperate to learn something. Harry grimaced at their enthusiasm, slapped on a smile and turned to face his over eager class.

"Now." he said, "Who's heard of the leg locker curse?"


"Say that again, Prongs." said Remus, staring incredulously at his friend.

"Her parents had just been murdered, so I comforted her and gave her a hug." repeated James irritably.

"No, no, no!" said Sirius sounding horrified, "You were supposed to be mysterious and aloof, not sweet and caring!"

"Shut up, Padfoot!" said James, sounding furious, "It wasn't about scoring with Lily! I've given up on her!"

Sirius fell silent.

"Well, Prongs, you actually did the right thing. She needed a shoulder to cry on, and you gave her one. Well done." Remus looked at James with respect.

"Thanks, Moony. That actually means a lot to me. But I'm not trying to snag Lily. It isn't what she needs right now."

He got up and crossed the Common Room, disappearing up the boy's staircase.

"Stage Five." whispered Remus in awe, "Acceptance."

"Speaking of matchmaking." said Sirius cheerfully, "Had any ideas on Operation Set Up Teachers?"

"A few," said Remus vaguely. "The problem is, every time I think of one, they come up with a bit of banter or flirt so outrageously that I know it wouldn't work."

Sirius stared at him. "You can't think of any? You can't think of any? What kind of relationships guru are you?"

Remus settled back in his chair, a patronising smile on his face.

"One completely at loss when it comes to two completely insane Defence Against The Dark Arts teachers. But for something vaguely resembling a normal relationship, I'm still good."

Sirius shrugged. "Fair enough."


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Firefly15 💗💗

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