Chapter 2 Potential Home

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Tomura woke up to the sun shining in his eyes. The man groaned he opened them blinking in order to get used to the light. He was startled for a few seconds not remembering where he was. Instead of the familiar sight of his white walls and to small bed he was laying on a sidewalk outside outside of a suspicion looking restaurant.

Tomura's eyes widened as the memories from yesterday finally caught up with him. So, he really didn't have a place to go now huh? Tomura heard his stomach growl he ignored it figuring finding out where he was first would be a better thing to put his energy into. Besides, he didn't have much money on him.

Tomura opened up Google maps on his phone to figure out his location. He was about five blocks from his house. At least he had managed to get away. The young man checked the time on his phone 8:30 in the morning his dad should have left for work by now.

Tomura didn't want to go back to that dreaded house but he wanted to collect the things he'd missed. He'd been in a hurry to leave after all. Tomura felt like a heavy object was dropped into his stomach on his way to his no longer house. He snuck up to the door he knocked gently on the door.

"Tenko where have you been!" Hana yelled as he opened the door. His sister dragged him inside he winced he hated that name. "I'm here to gather the rest of my stuff. Also, the names Tomura now." Tomura growled Hana's face was shocked at his outburst but he ignored her.

"Hey, you didn't answer my-" Hana began she was interrupted by her brother. "Dad kicked me out okay! Happy?" Tomura yelled he turned his back on her to go to his room. Hana followed after him to his annoyance. "Look I'm sorry but if dad finds out you're back we'll all be in trouble." Hana said he heard the fear in her voice.

For a second Tomura felt bad for snapping at her. "You were always scared of him weren't you? Even when I'm not the one who did things you blamed me. He didn't care who actually did it. I always got blamed. I'm the one who was hit and left outside. I've had enough defending you I'm leaving and never coming back." Tomura said he put the rest of his stuff in his backpack.

"Tenko I didn't mean for you to get into trouble! He's just scary... Please don't leave you can just do what dad says and he'll let you stay." Hana said she was about to cry. "Even if you are I need to leave. I'm done defending people who never stand up for me." Tomura said he left a crying Hana behind.

He felt bad but he'd never get anywhere trapped here. The young man needed his own life. Besides, they weren't children anymore she'd be okay. She wasn't like him. She was what their dad considered normal and okay.

The man groaned he was in a shit situation wasn't he? Not that he hadn't his whole life but at least at his house he had a bed to sleep in and food to eat occasionally. Tomura had left since he couldn't take his dad trying to make him something he never was. Tomura knew he was a man in his heart so he wasn't turning back. He'd thought about leaving since he was little; he just never got the courage to do it until now.

Tomura had been outted as trans to his dad after he told Hana. The man had been fourteen at the time she hadn't meant to tell their dad but she had out of fear. Kotaro asked her why Tomura's normally visible chest was flatter. She'd told their dad about the chest binder he'd gotten from a giveaway.

Of course after figuring that out his dad had to take the one thing that made him able to get up in the morning. Tomura had been devastated. Spinner had bought him a new one last year as a birthday present after he befriended him online.

Tomura had been hesitant to accept the gift but Spinner had told him it was fine. Tomura had watched the mail for days making sure his dad wouldn't see the not so subtle pink, white, and blue packaging. The first time Tomura put on his new binder he'd been super happy. The happiest he'd been in a while.

Tomura glared down at his unbinded chest with disdain; he hated how he couldn't feel the familiar tightness against it. The man shook his head. He needed to find somewhere to live first.

Tomura turned on his phone and the battery was low so he had to hurry. The man googled available apartments in the area if he could because he wanted to live alone. Tomura hated most people including himself. The man couldn't afford any of them or they all involved roommates.

Tomura was irritated; he was about to give up when he saw someone who wanted a roommate. He would have to pay half of the rent but it was fairly cheap. Something he could afford. Tomura was suspicious that the apartment must be in really bad shape. He clicked on the photos of the apartment and surprisingly it looked quite nice.

It was a small apartment with two bedrooms and one bathroom but it would do. Tomura would have to have a roommate; he was sure he could just avoid them though. He was there to live not to socialize after all.

They had their phone number listed on the post Tomura instantly messaged them hoping he wasn't too late. The man didn't even bother to read the description on the post other than to pay half the rent. He was shocked that no one had taken up the offer.

"Hey I was wondering if I could move in sometime today if no one's already there." Tomura messaged the guy hoping he'd answer soon. To his surprise a message came threw a second later, "That's fine the address is *******.

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