"Well, anyways, I mean Tubbo- when Tubbo said, you know? Schlatt I'd like to say something about how great this country is and about how awesome you are. Who am I to say no to that, right? So without any further ado I think I'll put big man Tubbo- my right hand man- up on the mic." Schlatt finished his speech, making the audience cheer Tubbo on.

Looking around, and for a second looking Wilbur - who was still hiding in a building - right in the eyes, Tubbo slowly started his speech.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentleman, I'm actually too short to reach the mic, but it's okay. You know? A wise man once told me that L'manberg was like a lettuce, there is so many layers of tasty and healthy goodness. And once you wash your dirt and worms from the surface, it's a pretty goddamn good meal." This somehow, again, made the audience cheer.

Wilbur quietly laughed to himself.

"Schlatt has succesfully washed all of the insects of our great nation and with that he had allowed the goodness and tastiness to shine through! Ladies and gentleman, I would like you to look around at what we build today, look at eachother. All of this thanks to democracy and the leadership of Jschlatt."

This time you actually heard some "Amen's!" through the cheers and clapping.

This time Wilbur and Tommy laughed, even though Tommy's laugh sounded more painful than Wilburs.

"Our people have been beaten down by rulers and dictators for so long, now we are finally free; Free to elect who we want, free to live how we want and most importantly free to go wherever we want without the confine of those huge black walls. So with that in mind, I would like to thank everyone for coming to this wonderful event."

This time, when Wilbur and Tommy laughed, Schlatt started laughing too making Tubbo look at him confused and say, "Wh-what's wrong Schlatt?"

"No, it's just- I was just thinking about it, Tubbo."

Wilbur made a show of looking confused when Tubbo sought out his eyes.

"We had fun," Schlatt continued, making Tubbo say, "Yeah- we did."

"You got anything else in this speech?"

"No- nothing other than let the festival begin."

Now when Tubbo and Schlatt looked at the window where Wilbur used to be- he was gone.

Even if both Schlatt and Tommy knew Wilbur wasn't really gonna blow Manberg up now, Tubbo didn't know that.

Schlatt and Quackity trapped Tubbo together and Wilbur was actually proud of Schlatt that he convinced Quackity to help him with this.

Tubbo was confused and tried to look for Wilbur, but Wilbur was long gone and no one could help him.

The audience was also confused, but decided to trust their leader, because like Tubbo said Schlatt was a good leader- even if some people didn't believe it.

Schlatt started screaming about how Tubbo betrayed their country and then ordered Technoblade to come onto the podium.

Techno was just as confused as Tubbo and the rest of the audience, especially when Schlatt ordered him to kill Tubbo.

But he felt all the eyed burning in the back of his head and decided to listen to Schlatt, Techno was never good with dealing with peer pressure. When Technoblade got ready to shoot him, Tommy shut his eyes and looked away, feeling Wilbur's hand on his shoulder he tried to calm himself down a bit.

"You're okay Tommy." Wilbur whispered and then the fireworks went off.

Tommy heard Tubbo's screams, than the screams of the audience and wanted to scream at Wilbur about how he was a douchebag for killing Tubbo and controlling everyone around him.

But he couldn't, he just couldn't be mad at Wilbur, a literal god who had took him in and took care of him since he was so young.

He also should've expected this when he forced Wilbur to join this smp with him.

So instead of getting mad when Wilbur hugged him he leaned into the touch and started crying, knowing Wilbur understood and wouldn't make fun of him- If he was any other human Wilbur would kill him for doing this, but he wasn't. So it was okay.

Wilbur carried him back to pogtopia and reminded him he had to play the role of the mad bestfriend when the others returned and Tommy did actually cheer a bit up from that.

He did like to get angry at people for no reason.


And when the rest returned Tommy started screaming and shouting at Technoblade while Wilbur played his slightly insane- really insane- leadership role.

Tubbo forgave Technoblade too fast in Tommy's opinion, but it was okay.

All was good, for now.

Wilbur smiled to himself when the rest left and hugged Tommy while whispering, "I'm proud of you."


HI HI in the end I got lazy like you probably notice, but here is the much awaited update.

I like this one.

bye people.

(ALSO UHm- the speeches are almost exactly like they are in canon so that's why i used 'ladies and gentleman' cause that's what they used in canon. I was thinking about changing it to a genderneutral term cause i personally don't like this but i decided to go with this. I hope you all don't mind ehe.)

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