Guardian Angel..?

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This is based on a writing prompt I saw on tiktok!

Henrys POV:
I was focused on my work, building a new Endoskeleton for Foxy. His old one was broken beyond repair, I'm unsure how that happened.. I'll probably leave it in Parts And Service so the few salvageable parts can be used again.


"You're missing a screw, the arm will fall off during his performance." A british man said from behind me, I looked over to see a brown haired demon hovering next to me.
"William, I know what im doing."
"Clearly not since you aren't putting that screw in."
"What do you know about animatronics anyways? You're probably over 100 years old."
"How many times do I have to tell you im only two years older than you?" The devil groaned, giving himself a swing backwards to hover on his back.

"Why couldn't I have been assigned an angel like everyone else, you're a pain in the arse."
"You're not exactly fun to manage either, asshole."
I rolled my eyes at his remark, and continued my work. I sighed and put the screw in, since as much as he was annoying, he was right.. And I dont want a lawsuit because of a kid being traumatized by the robotic fox losing its arm mid-performance.

Timeskip </3

While I was filling paperwork, I felt watched and judged at the same time, so I turned around to see my Guardian staring at me.

"Why are you staring at me?"

I was getting no response, he usually does that when he's deep in his own thoughts, which I'd rather not hear about. I payed no attention to him and tried to go back to work, but I then felt something tug on my shirt.. I ignored it to continue working before being yanked back and caught by the devil behind me

"WHAT THE FUCK, AFTON?" I yelled, with no response. He then picked me up and flew out of the establishment.
I got to tell a worker to close up before he left, but I was still pissed. I had more work to complete.

"Where are you taking me?"
"Why? I wasn't even finished working!"
"You worked just enough for today, you didn't even sleep last night because of those damn papers, for fucks sake."
I avoided eye contact, feeling a pinch of shame, since he was right. I had been overworking myself for a while.

When we arrived at my house, he threw me a pair of sweatpants along with the first shirt he found and told me to change while he went in the bathroom to change, so I did, knowing I wasn't getting out of this with the Guardian I ended up with.

He laid down on the bed and pulled me down with him
"Now sleep." He said. I sighed in response and closed my eyes.
Sooner than later, I fell asleep. I subconsciously snuggled closer to him, softly nuzzling my face into the crook of his neck. He sighed and smiled softly, holding me closer as he felt himself drift off aswell. Soon, we were both asleep.

August 2022 update: I disliked most of my writing, so I just kinda fixed some stuff to generally make the sentences sound better-

AAaaaAaaaH lets say this was fiiine-
Yeah the concept was basically that the protag got a guardian devil instead of angel and while his solutions were more violent or whatever they worked ahdjfkjgjg i might make a part two to this later 👀
Give me more oneshot ideas 🔫

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