Please read this announcement!!

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Hello everyone,

I'd like to say thank your for reading In The Face Of Danger. I had started this fanfic, hoping for it to just be a small project to keep myself going. I was having a hard time finding the joy in my writing. I had been using it as a distraction, instead of actually enjoying myself. But, now i've come to actually enjoy writing and sharing my creativity. I'm ver thankful you all supported me along the way, and I'm sorry for my long time spaced updates! I sorta feel late to the start, so from now on ill do more chapters!

Writing has gave my life more stability, and I want to keep up my good work, using my writing for the good of everything. Again, thank you for your support and comments. They really mean a lot to me, and they keep me going. As I like to say, "Small things make big things". So even the tiniest detail in my writing, or the smallest comment has an impact on me, and everyone who reads this fanfic.

I also, wanted to announce another thing. This has more to do with In The Face Of Danger. I will possibly be writing a prequal, that includes more focus on Chifuyu, after Baji's death. Because I find it unfair how their story ended, so i'm gonna make it my own.

The prequal will be called, |•Our Second Chance•|. I know some people aren't that comfortable with the Bajifuyu ship, and I don't want anyone to feel forced to read it, other than that, for those who may enjoy it, you are very welcome.


In the face of danger.. [Mikey x reader] Tokyo revengers fanficWhere stories live. Discover now