Chapter 3

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Innes dropped the fork and began to rummage through the man's coat pockets. She stuffed the money into one of the many pockets on the long coat she wore. Carkeys. Grocery list. Credit card. Boring.

She grabbed his briefcase, sitting abandoned on the desk. She forced the lock open and began to shuffle through the documents. Legal stuff, mostly. Except for the last paper in the pile.

"Personal Protection" was printed in bold letters on the top of the page. She scanned the page. It seems he had tried to hire someone to keep him safe from his opponents, but in the end he had been declined. She looked for a company name. After all, you've got to stay on top of your competitors.

She soon realized it was one person rather than a company. She looked again, more throughly this time. Her yellow eyes found a name. A name that she hadn't seen or heard in a very long time, but she hadn't forgotten it. After all, it was the reason she had her current job. She felt the old rage in herself stir.

She snatched up the document and folded it into a secure inner pocket. She opened the window to the dark, smoky night and grabbed the top of the window frame. She pulled herself up, launched her body into the air and landed again on the roof. She began to run back to the hotel, rage energizing her. He was still alive. She hadn't the slightest idea of how, but she knew that she was going to be the one to kill him. Whether or not she was being paid.

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