A Meeting In London-Chapter Eight.🌹🌹

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The London season was quite the busy time for Felicity and Marianne. It was Felicity's dear aunt's wish that she attend as many of the events as possible. It was a whirlwind of assemblies, balls and recitals. Felicity found little pleasure in the season due to her shy nature and facial blemishes.

She felt rather like an exotic animal on display at the London Menagerie as people stared at her appearance as they would a polar bear of the menagerie.

Her dance cards were usually empty of possible dance partners bar on the rare occasions when a sympathetic gentleman might request her hand. Such gentlemen much like the polar bear were rare creatures at such balls. Felicity favoured the darker secluded seats at dances or balls as her face was less visible.

Let it be known that Felicity was in no way ashamed of her scars as they marked her as a survivor. This showed that she had overcome this most contagious of diseases.

However this was not recognised by most as they saw only the scars rather than her tenacity. Efforts had been made by both her caring abigail and Marianne to disguise the marks but with little success.

Felicity determined for the remainder of the season her scars would not inhibit her enjoyment of it. If her hand was not requested for a dance she would enjoy the fine music. Should an unkind comment be made to her she would remember that she was a survivor.

If she was requested to sing an air or play the pianoforte she would certainly not hesitate. If Felicity was examined and found wanting she would smile benevolently at such judges.

She may be shy but she was not weak. Her inner strength would carry her through the remaining weeks. Marianne had been such a dear friend to her during these long months, her wit and kindness had rescued her many times. Marianne could chase away melancholy with one of her witty and accurate observations.

If she saw that Felicity had been hurt by an unkind remark she would observe that such a lady might consider not wearing that hat the next time as she resembled a pigeon.
If a gentleman decided that Felicity decide not meet his requirements for a dance partner, Marianne would say that she was fortunate as he had a vaguely porcine appearance.

The engagement of Marianne by her aunt was both an inspired and practical one. She needed a chaperone and also a friend which Marianne had become. Their friendship had grown during their time together. Marianne was like a elder sister to her, ever ready to aid her. She could see the anger in Marianne when she heard an unkind comment which she would ignore. However Marianne often wished to challenge such comments which Felicity would urge her not to.

She found that she could withstand such remarks more as the season progressed. Her confidence had grown ten fold during this time. Her need to be admired and liked by those she met was of lesser importance. Her new found confidence shone through as she was seen to be a slighter more desirable dance partner.

It was during a musical assembly that her charming piano playing attracted the attention of a gentleman. This gentleman was Mr. John Campion the son of the honourable Mr. Edward Campion. The senior Campion was a successful London banker and investor. His investments had been most advantageous producing much wealth. He had a number of properties in London and Dublin.

His late wife was Lady Maria Devonshire of Kildare House, Dublin. Theirs had been an arranged marriage which had become one of mutual love. Lady Devonshire's father had arranged the match as he sought a husband for his beautiful but unconventional daughter. The acquaintance had been formed when Lord Devonshire sought the advice of Edward's father on a property investment.

The two gentlemen became firm friends and both considered their children to the perfect match for each other. Lady Maria had been out for two seasons however her bluestocking ways had failed to attract any suitors.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2021 ⏰

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