Chappie 1

125 3 1

(You and Riley are 15 and Huey and Cesar are 16 )


"Wake the fuck up, you get your ass out the door and get up now" I giggled at the voice alarm I recorded for Riley.

I swung my feet over the side of my bed and hopped off.  I heard running and a BB gun cocking coming to my room.
I jumped back a little when my door slammed open.

"Nigga! You really gonna wake yo big brother like that!!" Riley lifted the BB gun and pointed it at me.

"Sorry lil sis, BUT YOU YOU GOTTA GET THESE BULLETS" he pulled the trigger 3 times missing me each time on propose' 'trust me if he wanted to he wouldn't have missed'

"Now come on y/n our gay ass brother's gay ass friend is coming back from Brooklyn " Riley said.

"Who? Caesar?" I asked

"Yeah that stupid ass nigga you had a crush on before he left" Riley said with obvious distaste.

I had a crush on him before he left and before he left he gotten a girlfriend before he left and that was also the day I was going to tell him how I felt but I don't blame him or anything. But Riley does he only tolerated him cause I liked him, and now when Caesar comes back Riley is gon act a fool and pick fights with him.

" GET YOUR LITTLE ASSES DOWN HERE NOW!" I heard grandad yell from downstairs.  I walked out the door with Riley and we started to walk down the stairs passing Huey "Wonder who at the door at this time" he said

When we finally got to the bottom of the stairs, grandad was sitting on the couch watching tv. I walked over to the door and opened it. And withen seconds Riley was beside me.

The person at the door was Caesar....
" hello y/n it's been a while since I've seen you" he said smiling. I nodded cause I didn't really feel like talking and he kinda got the hint cause he started talking to Huey instead, I didn't care much for there conversation so me and Riley decided to go to edd's house.

We pushed past Caesar and Huey which the didn't mind and started walking down the street. I have best friend named tommi (sorry if that's your name, feel free to change) and she would be joining us.

We passed her house and she went with us

Time skipppppp

"Sooooo like this dude that you like is back and you said you think you like him again?" Rummy asked to which I nodded. Edd and Riley went to rob a nigga or something which left me, Tommi and rummy.

"I think he has a girl—" I was interrupted by the door bell

"Hold on ...this conversation isn't over" walking to the door while still pointing his finger at me..

5 mins later rummy came back with none other then Caesar....

I decided to not say anything and pull out my phone and started texting Riley

Y/n: Caesar here 😅


Y/n: WAIT he hasn't done anything yet he hasn't even spoke yet.

Riles: ok sis but call me if you need me to come ova there

Y/n: ok I will

I turned my phone off and looked around the silence was extremely awkward, until rummy broke the silence.

"Soo you how about we finish our conversation. And he can contribute his thoughts as well." rummy pointed his thumb at Caesar.

"Sure but we have to keep the person anonymous.." I answer Nervously.

"So y/n likes a guy"

Cliff hanger  >:)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2021 ⏰

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