The Interview

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It's the the last week of Octobre. A while ago, I was looking at the newspaper. It has been a few months since Alaric died and I have grown accustomed to my life as a vampire. Jeremy and me are living in our parents' old house, alone. With all we inherited from our parents and parental figures, we have no money problems, but I am slightly worried that isn't going to last forever. I do not want to depend on my vampiric abilities of compulsion to get through life. So, I had decided to get a job. Only a small one, to earn a little on the side. After all, Jeremy is still in high school and I'm in college. Okay, it's the last year for Jeremy, but still.

Originally, I already had a job. But there was one problem with that which appeared about a week earlier.


I was helping my brother Jeremy make dinner. We may be both terrible cooks, but at least we can be terrible together. That way, our terror looks somewhat professional. I was just busy ruining the sauce when my phone started buzzing.

"Hello? Oh, Aaron, hi! What's up?"

"Hi Elena. I've got some bad news. The restaurant burnt down." said the man on the other end of the line. Aaron Whitmore. He and I were working in a small restaurant near our college together. Emphasis on 'were'.

"Burnt down? Oh god, what happened?" I asked.

He sighed. "One of the ovens had a malfunction or something. But that's not the point. The point is, we both just lost our jobs."

"Yeah, I guess we did. Did anyone get hurt?"

"No, thankfully not." he answered.

I bit my lip. "Okay, thanks for calling. Goodbye, Aaron." I ended the call and turned to look at Jeremy. He saw my facial expression. Apparently, my face told more than words at that moment, because he immediately looked worried.

"What happened?"

"A fire happened. Now I don't have a job anymore." I replied.

End of Flashback

Consequently, I was looking for a new job at the end of octobre. An advertisement in the Mystic Falls News had caught my eye. A family was looking for a nanny. Part-time, well-paid, one baby. The job sounded like music to my ears. I love children, always have. Taking care of an adorable little baby and getting paid for it was exactly what I would have wished for.

So, I sent my application for the job to the email address in the advertisement. That was almost six hours ago. And now, I'm going to my laptop to see if anyone has replied yet.

I'm in luck. A new mail has just popped up.

Dear Elena,

Please meet me on November 1st at the Mystic Grill at 4pm for the official interview.

With kind regards
E. Smith

I smile at the lines. The perfect job is only one interview away.


When the time of the interview comes, I am even a few minutes early. I enter the Grill and look around. Someone catches my eye. Not by chance, no. He is looking straight at me and when I see him, he gestures for me to join him with his hand. He is someone awfully familiar to me.

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