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Trigger Warning: Third Reich is present in this chapter (dream sequence), descriptions of violence, one mention of suicide, reference of WWII (well you already know Countryhumans is infamous for this)

Siegfried finds himself standing in the void with no visible signs of how large this area might be. A sharp hissing sound ringed in his nonexistent ears and he could tell it was right behind him as lights from above start to flicker, revealing to what appears to be a living room.

As Siegfried began to inspect the room, it gave him a nostalgic feeling from the resemblance of his old house judging from the printed patterns on the walls, decorated with black-and-white photos of him in his childhood, his father, and relatives he never got a chance to see them in person before they could meet their unfortunate demises.

But at the same time, it sent his heart racing that this is from the same house where he used to live together with this wicked man he calls his father.

"This isn't right!" He exclaimed.

"This is a dream world, Siegfried. I can manipulate it as much as I want it to be." A familiar, yet distorted voice accompanied with the same hissing sound from before echoed from the entrance of the kitchen.

"I'm not playing games with you, serpent!" Siegfried bellowed to the voice as he rushes to the kitchen. Again, it gives off uncanny resemblance of his old home looking at the old-fashioned designs of the stove, cabinets, sink and fridge.

"Where are your manners, Siegfried? Do you even know who are you talking to?"

Siegfried finally puts his focus on the dining table. And there, is a figure resting his head on his arms while sitting on one of the chairs where he can face Siegfried in front. He appears to be wearing a familiar black military uniform with a red armband on his left arm.

"Y-You're..." Siegfried pointed at the figure, "Arnu-"

He was about to blurt out his father's full name, but because of what the man said before. He tried his best to tone down his voice but his hand started to shake as he was trying to mutter "Father."

In response, the man lift up his head and is apparently wearing a gas mask which made Siegfried raise a brow.

"Sit down, child." Arnulf demanded. Siegfried obeyed and choose to sit on the chair where he can face his father.

"Just what is it, old man?" Siegfried grumbled. Despite being in a dream world, going face-to-face with his father for God knows how many years since the latter's death isn't something he would expect.

"What year is it?"

"202X" Siegfried nonchalantly replied.

"Time flies, huh?" Arnulf chuckled at his response, "Just look how much you have grown, yet you're still the same Siegfried who's too stubborn to live up to his family legacy-"

Siegfried rose up and slams the table, interrupting his father's ramble, "You killed your own brother for power, started a global war, shot yourself like a fucking coward you are and now you're here dwelling in my dream just to fucking taunt me?!"

Arnulf just sighed at Siegfried's indignant ranting, not wanting anymore to repeat himself about his son's lack of manners and cleared his throat for another speech.

"Listen child, you don't know the purpose of being a country. We are beings made to serve and protect mortals. This is the reason I made you a heir which that means you will take over my place from the day I die."

"Yet you conquered other nations and try to make them kneel before you?"

"Siegfried, it's for your own good-"

"Grandpa Anton made you as a replacement for uncle Walther if he fails and do you think this is what he expected?"

Arnulf ignored Siegfried's question, "I think this might surprise you but, I found a way to watch the events that happened after my death. When the moment you were about to split into West and East, I tried to find ways where I can go back to go the mortal world and stop it but then I learned that's impossible for Blutsaugers after their deaths."

"Okay, okay, just what do you want to talk about? I'm not here to reminiscence about the past." Siegfried went back to his seat.

"Is there anything interesting going on in the mortal world?" Arnulf questioned while tapping his clawed fingers on the table.

"There are these people finding ways to bring you back." Siegfried reported.

"Huh, that's interesting that I still have more people that support me even after my death. Is there anything else about them?"

"I cannot count how many of them are." Siegfried added, "Last night, I caught one in the alleyway and slit the fuck out of his throat. And then I thought of finding a partner that will help me wipe out these foolish mortals."

"Who is it then?"

"I think I'll contact Niccolò, it's been years he disassociated himself from me."

"You have such poor taste in choosing allies." Arnulf snickered, "And the first thing you thought is that rebellious brat of Salvatore Gastaldelli? Don't even think he's that competent enough to be your henchman.

"Alright, this conversation is over." Siegfried angrily declared as he left his seat hearing Arnulf's offhand remark on Niccolò.

"Okay then, I'll allow you to leave. I'll come back later when I have time to discuss more."

"Thanks, I guess." Siegfried mutter as a portal in front of him appeared. Before he could turn away from his father, he cringed when he imagined the latter creeping a grin behind the gas mask.

As he stepped into the portal, he mumbled, "Hmph, "family legacy" my ass."

A/N: This took like 3 days to finish because I had to change a lot of some of its dialogue. Constructive criticism is welcome though.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2023 ⏰

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