"I did?" Travis said confusingly.

"Guys, focus! We're almost at the other side of the lake. We need a game plan for the final stretch. Clearly Piper can charmspeak, and I'm sure Clarisse got that tack off of her arm, meaning she'll be out for revenge." Ingrid said, and the two boys quit arguing to think.

Ingrid glanced over to see the Casey's boat also conspiring. As the two teams reached the opposite side of the lake, they quickly turned their boats around, and it was time for the final stretch. Ingrid knew it would be a close race.

"Travis, what do you have left in your pack that we can use?" Ingrid asked, and Travis frantically rummaged in his side pack.

"I have one thing of sticky tack, a firework stick, a 'floor is lava' trick, a 'floor is ice' trick, and an expanding net." He said, sighing. "I had a lot more but..."

"No, that's good. We can work with that." Ingrid said, looking over at Casey's boat, who seemed to be edging closer to them. Ingrid closed her eyes, taking a breath. A plan began formulating in her head, and she knew what she had to do.

"Okay, Sherman, I want you to shift as close as you can to their boat, but when I say 'break,' I need you to get away. Got it?" Ingrid said, and Sherman nodded, already shifting the direction of the boat.

"Travis, use the firework first. Then direct the lava pack towards Clarisse's feet, it'll affect her the most. Then use the ice one on Piper. With the two of them distracted it'll leave Casey scrambled. Throw the net onto him. I'll say break and we'll pull out a win. Got it?" Ingrid said and Travis gave a firm nod.

Ingrid branded her machete, her reflection showing a look of determination. Despite being up against her twin, it was still her favorite tradition. The two always left any aggression on the lake, and gave each other big hugs after the race. This year, she was excited to make it even more worth it.

Soon enough, Ingrid's boat knocked against Casey's, and Clarisse wasted no time jabbing at Ingrid. Ingrid stayed steady and the two fought at odds. Travis began to execute the plan and let his firework off, making Casey's team glance up into the air. The firework didn't make it far, for it was just a small one. It did gain attention from the crowd on the shore though, who Ingrid could now hear cheering loudly.

Clarisse and Piper snapped their attention back towards their opposing team, this time Piper taking a jab at Travis with her sword. In a panic, Travis threw out his sticky tack at Piper, latching her sword onto her hand. She grinned, feeling energized with this new advantage.

"Shit! Ingrid, what do I do?" Travis panicked, and Ingrid glanced over, her eyes widening only a bit.

"Just keep the plan in motion!" She said, just barely swerving from Clarisse's spear.

Travis swallowed hard and nodded, quickly throwing the 'floor is lava' trick at Clarisse's feet. Clarisse felt the heat rising in shoes, glancing down to see her feet covered in lava. "Stoll!" She yelled, stepping to the side, making her bump into Piper.

With that, Travis threw his 'floor is ice' trick at Piper's feet, making her feet frozen in place in the boat. "Piper, move!" Clarisse yelled, and Piper tried, but her feet were stuck.

"I can't!" Piper said, and she turned to Casey. "Casey, help!"

With a quick shift of his oar, Casey flicked water onto the lava and ice, making the trick dissipate. The two girls recovered quickly, their sword and spear brandishing fiercely.

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