Fishnets And Fans (Part 2)

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My head shot around, my eyes not believing what they saw. My jaw dropped, eyes wide as I tried to speak, but nothing came out. "I'm soo s-sorry, I was trying to find the bathroom and-" I rambled on, making Tom chuckle slightly. 

"Darling, calm down. The bathroom is down the hall."

 My heart almost jumped out of my chest at the nickname. My crush of 3 years is not only in the same room as me, alone I might add..but has also called me, another ordinary fan girl, darling. 

"Thank you. Um, your dance...was really good" I said before turning to the door. 

"Before you go," he said, making me halt, turning my head just enough to see him. "Yeah?" I asked, giving him a small smile. "What's your name?"  

"I-it's y/n"

"Y/n...what a beautiful name. Can't be too surprised that such a lovely lady like yourself has such a splendid name." 

Omg. The Tom Holland just said my name was beautiful and called me beautiful.

"Thank you, now if you don't mind I need to go to the little ladies room."

"Oh of course. See you around."

After using the bathroom I headed to where everyone was cheering. I still can't comprehend what had happened a moment ago. I mean, I had just been flirted with by the Tom Holland. The man who made my heart leap every time he looked my direction. I was pulled out of my thoughts as the three celebs on stage, the crowd listening to something that they said. "Oh there she is" Tom said, making everyone turn there heads towards me. I gulped, feeling panic start to set in. I took a deep breath and pushed myself through the crowd. I could hear whispers of my name, stares looking in pot my soul. I reached the stage and signalled for Tom to come over.

"Yes darling?" He said, squatting to meet my eye level. "Why is everyone looking at me weird?" I said, looking around the room, meeting all the eyes that stared at me just a moment ago. "Oh, I just told everyone what a lovely lady I met in my dressing room."Tom held up his hand, whispering in a low voice for me to climb up. He gave me a reassuring smile as I climbed up the stage. "Hey miss. What's your name?" LL Cool Jay asked into the microphone before tilting it towards me. "Y/n"

"Well  y/n, Tom was just telling us about your awkward encounter." Zendeya jumped in, pointing to Tom who was currently looking around and whistling. "And actually, he said he was going to ask you something!" The crowd 'oohed' and Tom whipped his head towards Zendeya. "Go on Thomas, ask me whatever it was you wanted to ask" I said. Tom looked down, twiddling with his thumbs. He cleared his throat a few times before looking around the room again. "Look, y/n as soon as I saw you in the crowd I thought to myself that you were honestly beautiful. Never in a million years would I think I would be doing this infront of all these people, but thanks to Z, I am being forced to do this now." He scoffed and gave Zendeya a death glare. "Tom, let's rather do this outside if you feel uncomfortable doing it now." I said. I walked back stage to go outside for some fresh air. I heard the door open, hearing a sigh behind me. I could already tell who it was. Soon enough, Tom stood before me looking into my eyes. 

"Ok, I don't really have great luck with these kind of things, so I'm just gonna come out and say it. Y/n as soon as I saw your face in the crowd I thought to myself your so fucking beautiful. And when you came in my dressing room by accident, well I was kind of freaking out-" that was when I had to interject. ", hotshot Tom Holland, were freaking out when I came into your dressing room. You sounded so confident though" He let out a small laugh, and looked at me with pride in his eyes. "Well then my plan to play it cool worked" Tom got a cheeky grin spread wide across his face. "Would you consider going out with me sometime?" I almost choked on air. "I'd love that" His smile widened. "Can I borrow your phone?" "Sure" I took out my phone and unlocked it before giving it to him. "Text me" he said, passing my phone back to me. He walked back inside. I looked at my phone and a smile crept on my face as I read what he had named his contact. 


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