Meet the members!

Start from the beginning

Age: Wampipti.

Member/Founder: Founder

Quotes: Good and Evil are names for what people do, not for what they are.


Username: -lifeispointless-

Author/Artist: Author

Favorite Harry Potter Character: Sirius Black (My bae ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ)

Age: 2½

Member/Founder: Founder

Quotes: "The frost that freezes you today might become the fire that warms you tomorrow." ~ Yours truly

(I love Sree's quote (っ^▿^)-summer)


Username: always__annoyed

Author/Artist: Artist

Favorite Harry Potter Character: Dumbledore

Member/Founder: Founder

Quotes: "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light"


Username: _Xx-alex-xX_

Author/artist: well I do a little art but I'm really bad so both??? But mostly author.

Fav HP character: ugh there are SO MANY but I rlly like Ginny and Luna and Jenna *winks* and Diana *winks again* and Remus and my own (especially Halo Moonshine *chefs kiss*), and Tonks.

Age: 14

Member/founder: member (well I hope so anyways lol)

Quote: "if people don't like me with [insert anything from random headcanons to leg hair] then they sure as hell don't deserve me without it/them" ~from one of my characters in my og novel I'm writing on a separate account so technically me I guess???


Username : @Laiza1090

Author/Artist : Both!!

Favourite Hp Character: Ginny/Luna/Gred and Forge/Tonks/Fleur

Age : 15
Member/founder : ...member obvi

Quotes :
"Kindness is faith, he who has no kindness has no faith." - Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)

"Paradise lies at the feet of the mother" -Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)


Username: thegryffindor_queen

Author: I am okay at writing and I like cultural art

Fav Hp Character: Harry, Ginny,Ron, Dean, Sirius, Lily, James, Marlene, Remus, McGonagall, gred and forge

Member/Founder: Founder of my sadness and member of this lovely group

Age: You don't need to know😔

Quote: "Bless the thinkers as they have cursed their own imagination" idk if I wrote it right

"Why do I need to be happy when I can be powerful and strong. Aren't the brocken ones the strongest, aren't the ones who cried the most the richest. Yes, because they know what it's to live in a world filled with cursed soul and how it is to feel like one, until you crush the ones above you and show them that they cursed themselves". -Me😀


Username: MarvelnPotterfan

Author/Artist: Both :)), though I'm better at writing..

Fav HP Character: James, Marlene, Lily, Sirius, Remus, Ginny, Harry, Fred, George, McGonagall, Alice, anddd yea - wait no, also Hermione & Ron

Age: 10 🥶☝ (im built different 🥶🤩😩) (there are people youger than me?! But not gonna lie, I joined Wattpad when I was 10 -summer)

Quote: "When given the choice between being right and being kind, choose kind" - Mr. Browne from Wonder


Username: HayleyP0tter

Author/artist: neither

Fav hp character: Hermione or Ginny or the Twins

Age: its a secret 🤫

Member or founder: member

Quote: that quote about light and dark that dumbledore said


Username- EternityIvanova

Author/Artist- Author

Fav HP Character- Nymphadora Tonks

Member/Founder- Member

Quote- Not giving a f*ck is not a simple sentence. It's a lifestyle.


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