Chapter Three

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"So, whatcha gonna order?"
Johnny chuckled at his ghoulfriend, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "Mm, a hamburger, fries, an' a milkshake. That's what Ah want!" Operetta said and smiled brightly, groaning when Johnny pinched her cheeks.
"Awww, baby, you're just so cute,"
Johnny teased.
"Awww! Johnny, yer jus' so adorable!" Operetta taunted, then smirked. Johnny stuck his tongue out at her, and she stuck her tongue back out at him.
The brunette waitress came over, smiling at the two.
"Hello! My name is Belle; I'll be serving you two for the evening! What do y'all want to have for drinks?"
She asked them.
Operetta unfolded her silverware, nodding up at her. "Ah'll have a CocaCola an' a...hmmm. A strawberry milkshake for us both."
Operetta said and squeezed Johnny's hand, silently telling him it was his turn. "I'll have a CocaCola as well." Johnny told the waitress.
"Alright! Be right back with those."
Belle went over to get their drinks, and Johnny laughed quietly to himself.
This confused Operetta.
"Why are you laughin'?" Operetta whispered.
"Cause she's so happy. I have a feeling she's going to break into song everytime she asks us what we want to have. She'll be all, hey kids! Want some food, la la la! Like some kinda Disney character." Johnny winked.
Operetta laughed loudly.
"That sure is funny. Hey! Johnny, can we get hamburgers? They're really good here. Ah'm cravin' one right now."
Operetta tapped his shoulder. Johnny poked her stomach, making her jump. Operetta giggled and smirked, pinching his nose. Johnny yelled, laughing.
"What a cutie you are."
After their great date, Johnny took Operetta home.
"Operetta...should I go in?" Johnny asked.
"Yeah, Daddy hasn't really gotten to know ya yet. He won't see past tha' boyfriend thang. Might not be a...a good idea."
Operetta bit her lip. What if Daddy hates him more than he already does?
Nervously, with a overly heavy backpack, she knocked her door, waiting for her father to let her in.
"Let. Me. In!" Operetta groaned.
"Mah backpack is heavy!"
Finally, the door opened.
Erik smiled at Operetta, then glared at Johnny with hate in his eyes. My little angel is growing up too fast...and I do not like this boy. Erik thought.
"We meet again." Erik glanced him over again, letting him inside.
Johnny gulped, floating in.
He was so worried on what Erik could do to him. Looking over to the strange basement, and his study room, he squeezed Operetta's hand and shook nervously.
"Take a seat. It shouldn't be too long..."
Erik's lips tilted into a grin.
Johnny thought about how scary he was. What if he tried to kill him somehow? Could ghosts even die?
Oh, Goth...what have I gotten into?

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