"I love you, my handsome Ty Ty."Cher said before he kissed her little boy.

"Awavyou, mommy."Tigran replied with a smile.

"Can mommy and daddy go now?The doctor is waiting for mommy."Cher said and Tigran nodded.

"Ty Ty go there with Gee, promise?"Tigran said softly.

"Promise, baby."Cher answered as Rob help her stand up.

"Be a good boy to Gee, okay?"Robert uttered and Tigran nodded.

"Dada, I don't want mommy be hurt."Tigran uttered and Rob kissed his forehead.

"Mommy will not be hurt, I promise."Robert said and Tigran ran to Cher before hugging her leg.

"Not ouchy, mommy?"Tigran asked and Cher caressed his head.

"Not ouchy."Cher said with a smile and Tigran went to his aunt that relieved Robert and Cher.

Robert and Cher bade their goodbyes to Tigran for the last time before heading to the hospital, and when they arrived, they immediately admitted Cher.

"We know that you're already past your due date and since it's still early, we want to see if your water will break until tonight, but if not, we'll pop it."The doctor explained and Cher nodded.

"We'll give you a round bouncing ball for now, it may or may not help in breaking your water but it's a start. And we need dad's help here as much as possible."The doctor said and Rob eagerly nodded.

"Whatever she needs, the doctor, just name it."Rob said and that made Cher softly giggle.

"Just help her with everything she wants to do."The doctor said and Robert nodded with a smile.

"We'll be back later."The doctor said before leaving and Cher slowly sat up.

"You wanna go on the ball?"Rob asked and Cher nodded.

"Want me to get ice chips?"Rob asked as he help Cher sit on the huge bouncy ball and Cher shook her head.

"I'm still good, babe. Just hold my hand."Cher answered and Rob kissed her forehead.

"We'll meet our baby soon, okay?I'm just here, and I'm sure Tigran will be excited when he saw the baby."Rob said and Cher smiled.

"This ball feels like I'm riding or something."Cher suddenly uttered that made Rob laugh.

"I think our baby can hear that even if he or she is still inside you."Rob said and the two of them started laughing.

"Because, I'm just bouncing here with my leg wide open."Cher uttered and Rob is still laughing.

"The funny things you think and say, babe."Rob said and Cher's forehead creased.

"You also do that. Sometimes your jokes are dirtier."Cher said and Rob gave a peck on her lips.

"I know."Rob uttered and she giggled.

For the rest of the day, Cher either spent her time on the bouncy ball or taking a nap. They waited for hours and hours for her water to break and when it did, she got excited. Robert is still holding her hand for the whole time until she is ready to give birth.

Robert whispered encouraging things on her ear as she push and when they heard a cry, their world once again stopped.

"It's a healthy baby girl."The doctor announced and they immediately carried the baby to her chest.

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